Tab 1.  Request from Community Services for approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Lake County Health Department and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement and to direct the Community Services Department to execute the agreement and oversee completion of the project as covered in the Scope of Services. Fiscal impact - $83,000 CDBG Grant funding, $70,000 General Revenue Funds.




Tab 2.  Request from Fiscal and Administrative Services for approval and execute contract assignment for 10-0029 for On-Call Environmental Studies and Services from LPG Environmental & Permitting Services, Inc. to Kleinfelder Southeast, Inc. There is no fiscal impact.




Tab 3.  Request from Growth Management for approval of award of contract 11-0208 for marketing and outreach activity under the County's EECBG Program to Carbon Solutions America LLC on a best value basis. The fiscal impact is $89,972 which is fully funded by the EECBG.




Tab 4.  Request from Public Resources for approval of standardization of pavilions manufactured by two specific manufacturers for use in County parks. There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item.



Tab 6.   Presentation.  The Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization (LSMPO) and the cities of Eustis, Mount Dora and Tavares request Lake County to fund the County's portion of the Rail Line Improvement Project in the amount of $900,000.00 and $107,500 for an Alternatives Analysis for Commuter Rail Funding from the General Fund – Reserves.  The Board approved the funding for the freight upgrades taken from Economic Development reserves and the funding for the alternative analysis that would be conditioned on full funding by all of the partners of the infrastructure.



Tab 1.  Ordinance No. 2011-11

CUP Revocation:  CUP#683-5

Forest Hills United Methodist Church

The CUP in Agriculture for the operation of a church is no longer necessary since property has been rezoned to Community Facility District (CFD) where churches are an allowable use.



Tab 2.  Ordinance No. 2011-12

Rezoning Case No. PH#28-10-4

Renningers Florida Twin Markets, Inc.

Cecelia Bonifay/Christopher Roper, Esq., Akerman Senterfit

Request to include an additional 44 acres of adjacent properties zoned Agriculture (A) and Urban Residential (R-6) in the existing Planned Commercial (CP) zoning ordinances (Ordinances #32-92, #119-88, #25-87, #28-84 and #22-83), and to add special events to the authorized uses.  The site is currently approved for an antique market, flea market, and produce market.

The Board approved the ordinance with the following changes:  removing the condition listed under 4(e) requiring approval by the Board of additional events; adding the word “concerts” under spectator activities listed in 4 (c); and exclude the location of the track from the 500 foot setback.


Tab 7.  Mr. Darren Gray, County Manager, noted that they highlighted the rail project for freight rail in their legislative priorities.



Commr. Hill asked if Commr. Cadwell could keep attending the Washington DC Congress of Regional Leaders meeting and bring that forward.  She also asked if the Vice Chairman could attend rather than herself, and Commr. Campione agreed to do that.



Commr. Hill asked if Commr. Cadwell could keep attending the Washington DC Congress of Regional Leaders meeting and bring that forward.  She also asked if the Vice Chairman could attend rather than herself, and Commr. Campione agreed to do that.



Commr. Hill reminded the Board about the workshop at Cooper Memorial Library at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, February 25.



Commr. Hill stated that the Agricultural Education Services Division of the Public Resources Department, a committee through the agricultural extension, asked that a Commissioner attend those meetings.  Commr. Parks agreed to serve in that capacity, with Commr. Campione as alternate.



Commr. Hill related that she was meeting with the School Board Chairman and Superintendent regarding the school impact fees on March 1.



Commr. Parks gave an update on the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, mentioning that they provided a report on the 2060 plan, and noted that they asked for Commissioner’s input on potential committee members for the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy committee.



Tab 8.  Proclamation No. 2011-22 proclaiming February 2011 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month in Lake County.



Commr. Conner announced that Representative Dan Webster would have a town hall meeting on Thursday, February 24, in Chambers at 5:30 p.m.



There was consensus to make any resolution or ordinance regarding a reduction of school impact fees retroactive to last Tuesday, February 15.  Commr Campione also asked for the Chairman to have a discussion with Chairman Stivender of the School Board and for both boards to meet to discuss this issue.



Commr. Cadwell stated that he would be going to Washington, D.C. a week from Friday, March 4, for the NACo legislative conference, and he would be back from that on Wednesday, March 9.


