Tab 1.  EMS Budget Presentation.  The Board voted unanimously to approve the award of contract 11-0219 for operational efficiency review of the County’s EMS operation to Berkshire Advisors, Inc.; to approve the creation of a new emergency medical corporation; to approve the name of the new corporation as, “Lake Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (LEMS);” and to approve the composition of the LEMS Board of Directors as consisting of the five County Commissioners, three city representatives, and one hospital representative.




Tab 2.  Presentation by Lake County Sheriff regarding budget.  On a vote of 3-2, the Board voted to have the Sheriff’s Office review their budget once more for any possible savings.  The Board voted unanimously to have one of the Commissioners, the County Manager, and budget staff formally meet with the Sheriff and his budget staff through a process to report back by March 2012 regarding a fiscal evaluation and how to reduce duplication of services.




Tab 3.  Board Budget Discussion