MONDAY, JULY 8, 1957


The Board of County Commissioners met in special session in the County Commissioners’ Room in the Courthouse on Monday, July 8, at ten o’clock A.M. for the purpose of resuming work on the budget, and such other matters as may be brought before the Board, with the following present:

 Chairman Cowart, Commissioners Singeltary, Simpson and Cross; and Clerk Owens.            Meeting called to order by Chairman Cowart:  (Commr. Hooten came in about 11:00 A.M.)

Bob Roof, Deputy Sheriff, appeared before the Board and discussed the $160,000.00 proposed budget for Sheriff McCall as follows:

Salary of Sheriff                                             $10,000.00

Salaries of deputies and assistants                   66,000.00

Expenses, other than salaries                           58,700.00

Equipment                                                          9,000.00

Investigations                                                     2,400.00

Reserve for contingencies                                13,900.00


After discussion of this proposed budget, on motion of Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Singeltary and carried, the budget as submitted by Sheriff McCall in the amount of $160,000.00 was approved.  (Commr. Hooten not present when this motion was adopted)

The Juvenile Court budget was discussed.  (Commr. Singeltary stated he is willing to go to $4500.00 for salary of Chief Counselor)

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Singeltary and carried, that the Chief Juvenile Counselor be paid a salary of $4,200.00 per year.  (Commr. Hooten not in accord with this motion, but would go along with the minimum request for the Chief Counselor) Commr. Hooten thinks should have hearing with the Advisory Committee again as he thinks the minimum request was accepted.

The roll call vote by Districts on the motion was as follows:  (Chief Counselor’s salary)

District No. 1 -  Yes

District No. 2 – Yes

District No. 3 – No

District No. 4 – Yes

District No. 5 – Yes

Salary for Assistant Counselor for Juvenile Court for girls was discussed:

Commr. Hooten made motion to increase to minimum request the salary of Assistant Counselor.  Commissioner Singeltary does not agree to this.  Motion died for lack of a second.

Motion by Commr. Singeltary seconded by Commr. Cross and carried, that the Assistant Juvenile Counselor’s salary be increased $25.00 per month, which would be $3,000.00 per year.  The roll call vote by districts on this motion was as follows:

District No. 1 -  Yes

District No. 2 – Yes

District No. 3 – No

District No. 4 – Yes

District No. 5 – Yes


Second Assistant Counselor for Juvenile Court not voted on.  Leave this until get report from Survey.  If they say need another Counselor, will put one on.  Commr. Hooten said the Board adopted the minimum budget as requested and should adhere to this.

The Chief Clerk’s salary for the Juvenile Court has been fixed at $3,000.00, and was left at $3,000.00 for the ensuing year.

County Judge’s salary for Juvenile Court was discussed.

Chairman Cowart thinks the County Judge’s salary as Juvenile Judge should be raised according to the rest of them and recommended a $300.00 raise.

Motion by Commr. Simpson seconded by Commr. Singeltary and carried, that the salary of the County Judge as Juvenile Judge be raised to $1,650.00 per year.  (Commr. Hooten not voting on this motion.)

Expense of Chief Counselor

Commr. Singeltary made a motion to pay the Chief Counselor 10¢ per mile up to a maximum of $75.00 per month and that he make a monthly report as to mileage.  This motion died for lack of a second.

Motion by Commr. Simpson seconded by Commr. Singeltary and carried, that the Chief Counselor be paid 10¢ per mile up to a maximum of $1500.00 per year and that he make a monthly report.  (Commr. Hooten not voting on this motion)

Expense for Assistant Counselor for girls

Motion by Commr. Singeltary seconded by Commr. Simpson and carried, that the Assistant Counselor for girls for Juvenile Court be paid 10¢ per mile up to a maximum of $1,000.00 and that she make a monthly report of mileage.  (Commr. Hooten not voting on this motion)

No mileage expense included for the second Assistant Counselor at this time.

Fee for Conveying Juveniles Left at $1,750.00.

Clerk Owens brought to the attention of the Board that they have agreed to a lump sum of $34,000.00 for the Juvenile Court, therefore, he was instructed to set up in the budget for operation and maintenance of a Juvenile Home the difference between the $34,000.00 agreed to for the Juvenile Court and the salaries and other expenses agreed to, amounting to $15,100.00, leaving a difference of $17,900.00.

Fee for Defense Attorneys Fixed at $1,500

Clerk Owens read a letter from Mr. Brisco, Mayor of the Town of Fruitland Park, re:  locating juvenile home there – which stated there should be a public hearing on this matter.

general fund

Commr. Singeltary filed request of Mrs. Sudderth, County Welfare Worker, as follows:

Fan, desk and chair and stationery.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Hooten and carried, that Mrs. Sudderth, County Welfare Worker, be allowed 10¢ per mile up to a maximum of $1500.00 per year, and that she file mileage report.

Clerk Owens reported he needs a new cash register, WHEREUPON, on motion of Commr. Hooten seconded by Commr. Singeltary and carried, Clerk Owens was authorized to advertise for a new cash register.

Adjourned for lunch.

After lunch, the Board was called to order by Chairman Cowart.

Clerk Owens read request of the Board of Public Instruction re improvements to the Offices of the County Superintendent, showing estimates as follows:

            Necessary materials                                       $700.00

            Labor local contractor                                    $490.00

Motion by Commr. Singeltary seconded by Commr. Cross and carried, that Clerk Owens be instructed to notify the Board of Public Instruction that the Board of County Commissioners will pay up to $995.00 for labor and materials for improvements to the offices.

Mosquito Control

            Permanent mosquito control              $15,248.75

            Local mosquito control                      $38,825.00

Home Demonstration

Clerk Owens read a letter from Mrs. Barrus, District Home Demonstration Agent, requesting increases as follows:

            Secretary                                             $480.00 increase

            Home Demo Agent                             $300.00 increase

            Asst. Demo Agent                              $300.00  increase

            2nd Asst. Home Demo Agent              $2,000.00 to be set up in the budget for salary

            Travel                                                 $900.00 for Home Demonstration Agent

            Travel                                                 $900.00 for Asst. Home Demonstration Agent

            4-H Course & Camp                           $500.00

            Leadership Camp 4-H                                    $  60.00


                        Refrigerator freezer approximately                           $500.00

                        Electric Range                                                            $275.00

                        Electric typewriter & duplicating machine


The above items were approved except the electric typewriter and duplicating machine.  Board said could use Norris’ duplicating machine.

Clerk Owens advised the Board that Sumter County reported to him that the Attorney General has ruled not legal to buy voting machines on lease term.  Clerk was instructed to ask Attorney Duncan to call the Attorney General about this.

Clerk Owens read a report from Department of Public Welfare re:  the proposal of the Peer home at Fruitland Park being used as a detention home, which recommended some changes and the home, would be adequate for the purposes intended.

Clerk Owens was instructed to notify Judge Hall or D. M. Pearce to attend the meeting of the Town Council in Fruitland Park.

Commr. Singeltary stated the Clerk should get a letter from Judge Hall as to what he needs a bookkeeping machine for.

Motion by Commr. Simpson seconded by Commr. Cross and carried, that the following Resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS, Julianne Kauffman Watson and John H. Kauffman, Jr. have made application to vacate certain streets and alleys located in a part of Subdivision Plat, said Plat being designated as Philipsburg, which Plat appears filed and recorded in the public records of Orange County, Florida, said Map of Philipsburg covering property now located in Lake County, Florida; and

WHEREAS, the said Applicants have filed with their application to vacate streets and alleys in said Subdivision, proof of publication of Notice of their intention to file said Petition, which Notice was published in The Eustis Lake Region News; that in and by said Notice, all persons objecting to the closing of said streets and alleys were required to appear before the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida, on the 1st day of July, 1957; and

WHEREAS, no one appeared to protest or object to the closing of the streets or alleys of the Plat of Philipsburg included in the tract of land hereinafter described; and it further appearing that the said streets sought to be closed have never been opened to the public, and have never been used as a public highway; and it further appears that no good purpose will be served by retaining any interest in the streets and alleys on said Plat included in the tract of land hereinafter described;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida, that the streets and alleys of the Townsite of Philipsburg, a Map of which is recorded in the public records of Orange County, Florida, included in the following described tract of land in Lake County, Florida:

The North three-quarters of East three-quarters (N ¾ of E ¾ ); East half of Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter (E ½ of SW ¼ of NW ¼); East Half of Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter (E ½ of NW ¼ of SW ¼); All in Section Thirty-two, Township Eighteen South, Range Twenty-eight East (32-18-28);


be henceforth closed, abandoned, discontinued and vacated; and that the Board of County Commissioners, acting for Lake County and the Public, does hereby renounce and disclaim any right, title or interest in and to said streets and alleys; and that the title to said streets and alleys be vested in the Owners of the adjoining property in accordance with law.




/s/ Frank E. Owens                                                                 /s/ J. C. Cowart

CLERK                                                                                   CHAIRMAN