tuesday – january 6, 1959


The Board of County Commissioners met in adjourned session in the County Commissioners’ room in the Courthouse at Tavares on Tuesday January 6, 1959, at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of organizing the new Board of County Commissioners, with the following present:  Commissioners Theus, Cowart, Hooten, Simpson, and Cross; Attorney Duncan; and Clerk Owens.

The Board was called to order by Clerk Owens, who announced it is time to organize the Board for the ensuing year, and the first order of business is the selection of a Chairman for the ensuing year and that nominations are now in order.  (On page 333 see Amendment to what Commr. Cross said.)  Commr. Cross stated he thinks it is a good idea for Commr. Simpson to be held over as Chairman for another year; therefore, Commr. Cross nominated Mr. Simpson as Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.  WHEREUPON, Commr. Theus moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Commr. Cowart, and carried.

Commr. Hooten stated there is an investigation going on, and I feel that you will find it is unjust criticism, as this land in question was never owned by me or Florida Fertilizer Company, and no law was violated.  The opinion from the Attorney General is merely an opinion, and there has never been any law broken in that particular thing.   I do not believe the criticism was entirely directed at me.  Mr. Duncan stated that his purpose in following the instructions of the County Commissioners was to clarify the position of the Commissioners and not any particular member of the Board.

Clerk Owens announced that the nominations for Chairman of the Board were closed.  All in favor of O. M. Simpson serving as Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year, signify by voting “aye.”   The motion carried; WHEREUPON, Commr. Simpson took the Chair.

Commr. Simpson called for nomination for a Vice Chairman.  WHEREUPON, on a motion by Commr. Cowart, seconded by Commr. Theus, Fred Cross was nominated Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.  There being no further nominations, Commr. Cross was elected Vice Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year.

Commr. Simpson called for nominations for Prosecuting Attorney.  Clerk Owens read a letter from Robert E. Pierce, which was the only application for the position of Prosecuting Attorney; WHEREUPON, on a motion by Commr. Hooten, seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, Robert E. Pierce was elected as Prosecuting Attorney for the ensuing year.

Commr. Simpson called for nominations for an Attorney for the Board; WHEREUPON, Clerk Owens read a letter from C. E. Duncan applying for the position of Attorney for the Board, which was the only application received; WHEREUPON, Commr. Cross nominated C. E. Duncan as Attorney for the Board for the ensuing year, seconded by Commr. Theus.  There being no further nominations, C. E. Duncan was elected Attorney for the Board for the ensuing year.

Clerk Owens announced he has no application for the position of County Service Officer.  J. C. Hunter is the present County Service Officer; WHEREUPON, on a motion by Commr. Hooten, seconded by Commr. Cross and carried, J. C. Hunter was elected as County Service Officer for the ensuing year.

Clerk Owens announced he has no application for the position of County Welfare Worker.  Myrtle Sudderth is the present County Welfare Worker; WHEREUPON, on a motion by Commr. Theus, seconded by Commr. Hooten and carried, Myrtle Sudderth was elected as County Welfare Worker for the ensuing year.

Clerk Owens announced he has no application for the position of Custodian of the Courthouse and grounds, except an oral application from the present Custodian, James Salter; WHEREUPON, on a motion by Commr. Theus, seconded by Commr. Hooten and carried, James Salter was employed as Custodian of the Courthouse and grounds for the ensuing year and that his salary be raised to $300 per month.  Clerk Owens was instructed to write Mr. Salter a letter thanking him for his efforts in doing a good job.

Dr. Hall appeared before the Board and introduced Mr. Walker of the State Board of Health, who has looked at the Villa-Dora Hotel in Mount Dora with a view as to the suitability of the hotel being used for a County Home.  Mr. Walker stated there would have to be some changes.  In the sprinkler section, 52 patients could be housed.  A qualified electrical contractor should be hired to check the building.  The exit from the upper floors should be replaced.  Did not know the cost.  Widen the doors leading to the fire escape.  The kitchen would require new storage space.  New range.  Mr. Walker said he did not look into the plumbing.  Should have a qualified plumber to go over this.  The annex could only be used to house employees at the present time.  All in all, he thinks this would make a nice home.  Old people like older buildings.  Mr. Walker stated Volusia County has a new home which cost a quarter million dollars.  The original lease read one dollar a year, but has been changed to 10 percent of any profits now.  Commr. Hooten asked if the state would recommend a three-story building for an old folks home.  Mr. Walker stated that they would not.  This building would not be considered by the state unless equipped with a sprinkler system.  The state will accept this building with the changes as stated, excluding the second floor.  Commr. Theus thinks the Board should get a registered contractor to go over the building and give the cost of repairs and see if it is within the bounds of the money on hand to be spent.  Mr. Walker stated that if they do get a contractor, the state would be glad to cooperate with him.  Commr. Theus suggested Glen Frazier or H. C. Hopson.  Mr. Walker stated he can give time for this, except the last three weeks in February.  Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Hopson to be present at the next meeting, January 12.

Welborn Daniel appeared before the Board regarding local bills for the Legislature and stated he would like to have copies of the bills by February 15th.  He also stated, at the request of Mr. Williams, I am having a bill concerning the Juvenile Detention Home prepared.  Mr. Duncan stated he has written one local bill and one on the plat law.

Commr. Hooten filed a check for $44 for the sale of a culvert to Morris M. Campbell.

On a motion by Commr. Theus, seconded by Commr. Hooten and carried, the Board adjourned.


/s/ Frank E. Owens                                                                 /s/ O. M. Simpson           

CLERK                                                                                   CHAIRMAN