friday – JUNE 5, 1959


The Board of County Commissioners met in called session in the County Commissioners’ room in the Courthouse at Tavares on Friday, June 5th, for the purpose of receiving and considering requests from the County Officials for the 1959-1960 Budget, and such other matters as may be brought before the Board, with the following present:  Chairman Simpson; Commissioners Theus, Cowart, Bishop, and Cross; Attorney Duncan, and Clerk Owens.

The Board was called to order by Chairman Simpson.

budget requests presented

Mr. Elwood Selsor, Director District 11, presented request from Mrs. Jessie Mae Boring, Chairman District 11 Welfare Board, for Lake County Child Welfare Unit for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1959, through September 30, 1960 in the amount of $12,000.00.  Clerk Owens read the request, which included what the Unit has accomplished this year.  Copy filed.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Bishop and carried, that the Lake County Child Welfare Unit’s budget as presented be accepted and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare the budget on that basis.  Commr. Cross voted “no.”

Mr. Paul Reed representing Mrs. Pearl L. Cullen, Tax Collector, presented request of the Tax Collector for the 1959-1960 budget for office equipment in the amount of $2,205.00.  Also request to buy one typewriter on the 1958-1959 budget at a cost of $420.00 if money is available.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the Tax Collector be authorized to purchase out of the 1958-1959 budget, if funds are available, two electric typewriters for an approximate cost of $420 each and that the budget request for 1959-1960 in the amount of $1,255.00 be accepted

Mr. R. G. Cassady, Tax Assessor, presented his request for office equipment for the 1959-1960 budget in the amount of approximately $815.00.

Motion by Commr. Cowart seconded by Commr. Theus and carried that R. G. Cassady, Tax Assessor, be authorized to buy what office equipment he needs now, which would be an approximate expenditure of $815.00 and pay out of excess fees.

While Mr. Cassady was present the source of money re:  e-evaluation program was discussed.

Judge Futch filed his budget request in writing in the amount of $1,175.00.

After discussion of the budget request, Commr. Theus made a motion seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried that the librarian in Judge Futch’s office be allowed a $50.00 increase in salary per month and that the other budget requests be accepted.

Mr. Owens presented request of the Hospital Board of South Lake Memorial Hospital for the Commissioners to assess one mill on the 1959 taxes as to the real estate lying within the jurisdiction of said hospital, the same to be used for and in behalf of said hospital.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Bishop and carried, that the Board accept the budget request of the Hospital Board of South Lake Memorial Hospital to assess one mill on the 1959 taxes.  Mr. Duncan stated he believes can get another bill through if can get the Attorney General’s approval.

Mr. E. J. Burrell, Chairman Water Authority, appeared before the Board and said the Authority is going to request same millage as last year - 1-1/4 mill.  Will present this in writing.

Motion by Commr. Bishop seconded by Commr. Cowart, and carried that the budget request of the Water Authority to assess 1-1/4 mill be accepted.

Sheriff Willis V. McCall’s office was represented by Mr. R. H. Roof, Deputy Sheriff, who presented the budget request for the year 1959-1960 in the amount of $187,900.00.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the budget request of Sheriff Willis V. McCall be accepted as presented.

At this time Sheriff McCall appeared before the Board and discussed the jail building.

Mr. R. E. Norris, County Agent, presented his budget request for the year 1959-1960 as follows:

·       Reduce County Agent’s yearly travel expense $300.00 and increase County Agent’s yearly salary $300.00.

·       Increase Asst. Co. Agent Bass’ salary per annum from $2400.00 to $2700.00 – no change travel.

·       Secretarial Assistance – increase appropriation from $2640.00 per annum to $3585.00.

Mrs. Fraser to continue on until January 1, 1960 at $220.00 per month, at which time she will only work half time and receive $150.00 per month, and a new secretary will be hired full time for $175.00 per month.  (State now pays $600.00 a year toward secretarial help which will be continued.)

·       No change for Asst. Co. Agt. James R. Connell

·       Office supplies and equipment $200.00

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried that the Board accept the budget requests of County Agent Norris.

Mrs. Valentine, Home Demonstration Agent, presented her budget requests as follows:

                                                                                                                1959-1960 Budget Requests

Increase H. D. Agent’s yearly salary            $300.00 )             $2,820.00 salary H. D. Agent

Increase yearly salary for Secretary            $240.00 )               2,340.00 salary Asst. Agent

Increase office expense as needed               $400.00 )               2,000.00 salary 2nd Asst. Agent

Expense – Natl. H. D. Agents’ mtg                              $100.00 )               2,460.00 salary secretary

Inc. Equip.–mim. machine & project.          $725.00 )                  900.00 Car expense – each agent



                                                                                                         $1,900.00 Office expense as needed

                                                                                                         $1,500.00  4-H girls camps & shrt. Course

                                                                                                         $1,225.00 Mimeograph machine & movie projector

                                                                                                              200.00 Exp. Natl H.D. Agents’ mtg.


Motion by Commr. Cowart seconded by Commr. Bishop and carried that the budget request of the Home Demonstration Agent, Mrs. Valentine, be accepted.

Clerk read copy of letter from Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission re:  treatment of Lake Apopka.  Motion by Commr. Cowart seconded by Commr. Cross and carried that Clerk Owens be authorized to notify the Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission that its proposition contained in the letter of May 29, 1959 is acceptable to the Board of County Commissioners and check for Lake County’s share of the money, 20%, which amounts to $5,824.00 will be forwarded to you upon request with invoice made out to the Board of County Commissioners.

Mr. J. C. Hunter, Lake County Veteran Service Officer, presented his budget for the coming year in the amount of $9,700.00 as follows:

Salary Service Officer annually         -           $5,700.00

Salary Asst. Service Officer annually           $3,000.00

School                                                                  100.00

Office expense                                                     900.00


Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried that the budget request of Service Officer Hunter be accepted.

Mr. Hunter will present his Annual Report Monday.

Mr. Fred Tanner, Director Lake County Mosquito Control, presented the budget for Lake County Arthropod Control Program as follows:

            Local Funds                                        $60,275.00 (Matched 40% by the State)

            Salaries & chemicals State Fds. I      15,000.00

            Permanent drainage State Funds II    24,110.00


Mr. Tanner stated some towns contribute, but thinks the County should provide the entire service.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the Mosquito Control budget for 1959-1960 be received and final action taken later.

Mr. Alan Hamlin appeared before the Board re:  County purchasing property of Duncan-Hamlin for $19,000.00.  No action at this time.

Clerk Owens read budget request of Lake County Health Department requesting same millage as last year, which is .9 mill.  Motion by Commr. Cowart seconded by Commr. Theus and carried that the millage for Lake County Health Department be placed at .9 mill for the 1959-1960 budget.

courthouse bond trustees

G. G. Ware, Secretary, by letter suggested that the Board consider assessing $15,000.00 to $16,000.00 taxes for 1959. Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Bishop and carried that the millage for Courthouse Bonds be placed at .2 mill for the 1959-1960 Budget.

florida board of forestry

Florida Board of Forestry filed request for 1959-1960 budget of $1,200.00 for Lake County’s share of County Farm Forestry.  Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Cowart, and carried that the budget request of Florida Board of Forestry of $1,200.00 for Lake County’s share of County Farm Forestry be accepted.

fire control

Motion by Commr. Bishop seconded by Commr. Theus and carried, that the amount of $12,033.60 be set up in the budget for Lake County Forest Fire Control for the year 1959-1960.

lake county chamber of commerce

Budget request of Lake County Chamber of Commerce was presented as follows:

                                                $14,000 for publicity

                                                    2,000 for Fair Association

Motion by Commr. Cowart seconded by Commr. Cross and carried that the budget request of Lake County Chamber of Commerce be accepted.

lake county defense council

Budget request of Lake County Defense Council was presented as follows:

                                                $1,000.00 for radio equipment

                                                     500.00 for operation

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried, that the budget request of Lake County Civil Defense Council be accepted.


Board called to order by Chairman Simpson.

Mr. C. P. Goodson, Director of Zoning Commission, appeared before the Board and presented budget request for 1959-1960 in the amount of $28,000.00, with notation “The revenue for the subject period from sale of permits is anticipated to be approximately $28,080.00.”

Mr. Goodson also presented budget request for the County Engineer Department in amount of $13,900.00.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the proposed budgets of Zoning Commission and the County Engineer be accepted.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried, that the salary of the County Engineer be increased to $10,000.00 per year as requested in the budget.

Mr. Duncan said attorney’s fees set up last year for the Zoning Commissioner were not used but once the Zoning Regulations are adopted that is when it will be used.  If the $1200.00 set up in the budget can be carried over that will be alright.  Clerk Owens stated could not carry over, but could set up as item in the budget.

Mrs. Katherine Baker, Supervisor of Registration, presented her budget request for the year 1959-60 in the amount of $15,990.50:

            Salary Supervisor                                           $6,000.00

            Two full time deputies $2,640 ea.                 5,280.00

Mr. Owens asked Mrs. Baker when her salary increase act goes into effect.  She replied May 2, 1959.  Mr. Owens said would have to set up an additional $1,000.00 for Supervisor’s increase in salary, making $7,000.00, but will not be able to pay this $1,000.00 until this budget goes into effect.  The additional $1,000.00 would make the request for 1959-1969 budget $16,990.50.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried that the budget request of the Supervisor of Registration be accepted and Clerk Owens be instructed to prepare the budget on this basis.

Mr. R. E. Pierce presented County Prosecutor and Small Claims Court budget request for the County Prosecutor and Small Claims Court budget be accepted.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Bishop and carried, that the budget request for the County Prosecutor and Small Claims Court budget be accepted.

The Clerk was  authorized to set up the budget based on the present law to the first of January 1960 and the new law thereafter.

Mr. Frank E. Owens, Clerk Circuit Court, presented request for the budget for the year 1959-1960 – Office equipment totaling $1,850.00. Increase for additional secretary $4,200.00.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried, that the budget request of Clerk of the Circuit Court be accepted.

Judge Troy Hall presented request for the budget of the County Judge in the amount of $3,250.00; and request for the budget for Lake County Juvenile Court in the amount of $27,150.00.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Theus and carried, that the Board accept for consideration the two budgets presented by Judge Hall.

old folks home

One-fourth (1/4)  mill to be assessed.

indigent program

Set up tentatively as is.


Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Cross and carried, that the salary of Myrtle Sudderth, County Welfare Worker, be increased to $5,100.00 per year with travel expense the same as is now.


Clerk Owens was authorized to set up in the budget $80,000.00 of the race track money in the general fund for re-evaluation program.  Balance of the anticipated revenue to remain in the Road and Bridge Fund.  Clerk instructed to prepare the budget increasing the millage 1.75 mill to replace the money taken out.

Motion by Commr. Cross seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the Clerk be authorized to prepare the Road & Bridge budget to reflect a $95,000.00 increase over the 1958-59 budget – Road & Bridge material.

Mr. Owens thanked the Board for the congenial way in which the budget requests have been handled today.

Clerk Owens told Mr. Bishop that the Tavares School has asked for the prisoners to assist them in spreading out some dirt on the ball field.  Mr. Bishop said he would furnish the prisoners for this.

Mr. Bishop said he talked with the City Council in Clermont and they are in accord with the re-evaluation program.  Only objection they raised is whether they can work out a joint deal with the County relative to keeping the valuations up to date in the future.  Mr. Duncan thinks should discuss this with the Tax Assessor before making any decision as to entering into a contract for keeping the tax valuations current.

Mr. Duncan said if revenue certificates are prepared primarily for building construction, must be based upon definite millage.

Mr. Bishop presented to the Board his County Commissioner’s bond as required by the Office of the Secretary of State in a letter of May 29, WHEREUPON, THE BOND WAS SIGNED BY the County Commissioners.  The bond in effect until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January 1961.  Mr. Bishop to forward bond to Secretary of State so that permanent commission may be issued.

Mr. Cassady and Mr. Goodson presented aerial map of location of lands to be considered for Agricultural Center, etc.

Motion by Commr. Theus seconded by Commr. Cowart and carried, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Alan Hamlin that the Board of County Commissioners are not interested in the purchase of the Duncan-Hamlin property on Irma Street across from the Courthouse; and that the motion adopted June 1st for the Clerk to notify Mr. Ferran and Mr. Treadway to reappraise the Duncan-Hamlin property be rescinded.



/s/ Frank E. Owens                                                                 /s/ O. M. Simpson

CLERK                                                                                   CHAIRMAN