MONDAY – july 15, 1963

The Board of County Commissioners met in special session in the County Commissioners room in the Courthouse at Tavares on Monday, July 15, 1963 at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of considering the tentative budgets as presented by Clerk Frank E. Owens and such other matters as may be brought before the Board, with the following present:  Chairman Dykes; Commrs. Theus, Livingston, and Babb; and Clerk Owens.  Commr. Cowart was absent.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dykes.


After considering the budgets as prepared by Clerk Owens, Commr. Theus moved that the budgets as prepared be adopted and that the official publication of the budgets be in the Tavares Lake County Citizen at a cost of $112.00 plus $15.00 for two mats and delivery of same, and that the following papers be paid $80 each for publishing the budgets in their papers:

Leesburg Daily Commercial, Mount Dora Topic, Eustis Lake Region News, and South Lake Press.

The publications are to carry notice that the Board of County Commissioners will meet on Friday, July 26, 1963, at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of hearing requests and complaints from the public.  The motion was seconded by Commr. Babb and unanimously carried.


Mrs. Evelyn Thompson appeared before the Board with reference to encroachment over her property, Thompson Estates, which adjoins Mobile Home Estates.  Mrs. Thompson said she has been to an attorney, and he advised her to come to the Board for help on this matter.  Chairman Dykes said he would make an appointment with the County Attorney to discuss her problem and try to arrive at what action the Board can take in this matter.

turnpike interchange

Karl Lehmann appeared before the Board stating his office has received a letter of complaint from the Groveland Chamber of Commerce with reference to the naming of the turnpike interchange.  No action was taken on this.

Mr. Lehmann reminded the members of the Alexander Springs celebration on Wednesday, July 17th, and requested as many as possible to be present.

There being no further business to bring before the Board, the meeting adjourned.


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CLERK                                                                                   CHAIRMAN