AUGUST 20, 1976

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners convened in Special Session on Friday August 20, 1976, in the Commissioners’ Room, Courthouse, Tavares, Florida, at 9:00 A.M. to discuss with the municipalities the charges that would be imposed for use of the County Landfills.  Present were:  Thomas J. Windram, Chairman; James R. Carson, Jr., C.A. Deems; and Glenn C. Burhans.  Others present were: James C. Watkins, Clerk; Christopher C. Ford, County Attorney; Robert Andrew, County Engineer; various municipal representatives and Andrea Gambrell, Deputy Clerk.

The Invocation was given by James C. Watkins and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by C.A. Deems.

public health

At this time Mr. Bob Andrew, County Engineer, provided to those in attendance tabulated sheets which reflected the cost to operate the various landfills.  Discussion was held regarding these tabulation sheets.


At 9:55 A.M. Commr. Hoskinson arrived for the Special Meeting.

public health

Points of discussion among those present were the type of equipment that was presently in use and what would be needed in the future, operating hours of the landfills, whether the charge would be by the cubic yard, ton or both, the process which would be sued to determined how many tons are disposed of by a municipality prior to the County securing a set of scales and if individual citizens would be charged for dumping their garbage in the local landfills.

Comments were made regarding the established charge of $1.00 a cubic yard or $5.00 a ton approved by the Board of County Commissioners on August 10, 1976.  Objections to this rate were voiced by all the representatives of municipalities who were present.  Discussion was held on the amount of money the cities felt would be fair and feasible to charge for the disposal of solid waste in the County Landfills.

The Chairman reminded those present that the County does not want to make a profit from the charges for disposal of solid waste in the County landfills; however, it does want to “break even” and if after a trial period the County finds that it can operate the landfills at a lesser cost the charge will be altered accordingly.

Further discussion was held.  On a motion by Commr. Carson seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board established a charge of $.75 a cubic yard or $3.00 a ton for the disposal of solid waste in the County Landfills.


At this time it was requested that a meeting be established between the Board of County Commissioners and the various municipalities to discuss the subject of double taxation.  The Chairman set a Special Meeting to be held on September 1, 1976, at 9:00 A.M. to discuss this matter.

contracts and agreements

At this time Commr. Windram stated that he had received the contract which the Board previously committee itself to support involving the information and Referral Service program presented to the Board by Linda Marion of Helpline.  He stated that the funding had been cut and the program was only funded for 10 months in stead of 12 months and that Lake County’s matching funds had been pro rated accordingly.  Due to this change the County will only be responsible for $1763.99 in matching funds instead of the $2,004 which had previously been approved.

On a motion by Commr. Hoskinson seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board authorized the Chairman to sign the above agreement as amended.


The Chairman stated that another budget meeting had to be established to review the budget in its final form and approved it for advertising.  The Chairman set a budget hearing for Monday, August 23, 2976 at 1:00 P.M.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M.


thomas j. windram, chairman



James C. Watkins, Clerk