A REGULAR MEETING OF THE property appraisal adjustment BOARD

august 1, 1977

The Property Appraisal Adjustment Board met in regular session on August 1, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of County Commissioners’ Room, Courthouse, Tavares, Florida.  Members present were:  Commr. C.A. Deems, Chairman; Commr. Thomas J. Windram; and Commr. Glenn C. Burhans; and School Board Members Barbara Wycoff and Charles Beals.  Others present were Ed Havill, Property Appraiser; Gaylord Wood, Attorney for Property Appraiser; Richard Hennings, Representative from the County Attorney’s Office; and Jennifer Kennedy, Deputy Clerk.

Mr. Hennings advised that the first order of business should be the acknowledgment of receipt from the Clerk of the Court of a list of people who could serve the Board as Special Masters.  The Board was further advised in any cases they feel may have special circumstances that would warrant additional time to hear, a Special Master should be appointed, at which time an alternate should also be named.

petition 1977-2      mrs. arah p. owens

Mrs. Owens appeared before the Board regarding her Petition.  After discussion she was informed that the Board would take into consideration her requests and would notify her within twenty (20) days of their decision.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried, the Board moved to deny Agricultural classification due to a late filing date.  Commr. Windram abstained from voting due to the fact he was not present to hear the case.

petition 1977-5      faye english harding

Mr. Hennings read a letter received from Mrs. Harding.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried, the Board upheld the Property Appraiser’s assessment that this was not a legitimate agricultural pursuit, and therefore denied an agricultural classification.  Commr. Windram abstained from voting due to the fact he was not present to hear the case.

petition 1977-6      faith groves, inc.   irwin barwich

Mr. Barwich was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried, the Board upheld the Appraiser’s recommendation in denying Agricultural Classification because Faith Groves, Inc. did not file before the cutoff date.  Commr. Windram abstained from voting due to the fact he was not present to hear the case.

petition 1977-11    c.c. ranch, inc.    lake coleman

Mr. Coleman was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried, the Board upheld the Appraiser’s recommendation for denial on the basis of not being filed within the prescribed time.  Commr. Windram abstained, due to the fact he was not present when the case was heard.

petition 1977-13    cleveland m. kuharske

No one was present regarding this case.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried, the Board denied Mr. Kuharske’s request for Agricultural Classification due to his failure to file in time.  Commr. Windram abstained, due to not hearing the case being presented to the Board.

petition 1977-20    sam b. commander

Mr. Commander was present to discuss his petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried, the Board denied an Agricultural Classification due to late filing.  Commr. Windram abstained, due to not hearing the case.

petition 1977-21    colonial penn communities, inc. – don gorden

Mr. Gorden appeared before the Board regarding his Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Agricultural Classification due to failure on the part of the petitioner to file on time.

petition 1977-22    mr. h. newton black

Mr. Black appeared before the Board concerning his Agricultural Classification Petition (1977-22) and his Homestead Exemption Petition (1977-41).

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the Appraiser’s recommendation for denial of Agricultural Classification due to failure to file on time (Petition 1977-22).

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied Mr. Black’s Homestead Exemption (Petition 1977-41) due to failure to file on time.

PETITION 1977-24, 1977-25, AND 1977-26   MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM BURLEIGH

Mr. Burleigh appeared before the Board concerning his three Petitions.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board granted a $300 per acre Greenbelt Exemption for all three (3) Petitions (1977-24, 1977-25, and 1977-26), as recommended by the Property Appraiser and outlined to the Board by the Petitioner, Mr. Burleigh.

petition 1977-30    mr. karl a. schneider

Mr. Schneider was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Board moved to increase Mr. Schneider’s old assessment by only $2,000 as opposed to the Property Appraiser’s recommendation to increase by $4,000.

petition 1977-31    holiday inn of disney world north - robinson


No one was present regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the Property Appraiser’s assessment and denied the request for an adjustment of the assessed value.

petition 1977-32      t.o. mahaffey

This was postponed until 1:00 p.m. to allow the Property Appraiser to get his files and advise the Board on the agreement he had reached with Mr. Mahaffey.

ACTION:  No action necessary.  Mr. Havill said he reached an agreement with Mr. Mahaffey with the understanding that he would review the assessment of all greenhouses in Lake County for 1978.

PETITION 1977-34    mrs. philip fitzsimons

A letter from Mrs. Fitzsimons was read to the Board by Mr. Hennings.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans, and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the Property Appraiser’s assessment.

petition 1977-1      mr. george w. smith

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the recommendation of the Property Appraiser.

petition 1977-3      mr. james e. davis

Mr. Davis was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the recommendation of the Property Appraiser.

petition 1977-4      mr. joseph wrobel

Mr. Wrobel was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  Commr. Windram moved that the Property Appraiser’s recommendation for assessment be upheld.  The motion was seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously.

petition 1977-7      robert lewis

No action required – Petition withdrawn July 27, 1977.

petition 1977-8      thedford kidd

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION: On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the request for an adjustment of the assessed value of Mr. Kidd’s property.

petition 1977-12    first federal savings & loan association

No action necessary.  Petition withdrawn in writing July 28, 1977.

petition 1977-14    brittany estates park assoc. – john erickson

Mr. Erickson was present for a discussion with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board moved that the Property Appraiser’s assessment be upheld.

petition 1977-15 & 1977-16    o.h. roberts

No action necessary – Petitions withdrawn in writing.

petition 1977-18    clarence g. shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Shaw appeared before the Board.  After a lengthy discussion it was decided that this Petition should be turned over to a Special Master.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried, Petition 1977-18 was turned over to a Special Master in order that he might gather the additional information necessary for the Board to arrive at a decision.  Mr. Beals voted “no,” saying he felt that it was not necessary to turn this case over to a Special Master.

On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, Mr. Sam Cook was named the primary Special Master with Mr. Edwin Waite serving as the alternate.

petition 1977-19    C.W. Johnson

Mr. Johnson was present to discuss his petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the recommendation of the Property Appraiser.

petition 1977-27, 1977-28, and 1977-29    eugene davidson

No action necessary.  Petitions withdrawn in writing.

petition 1977-17    bay street players       lou tally

Mr. Tally was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, this Petition was tabled until the Property Appraiser could gather additional information and the County Attorney’s Representative could render his opinion.  Tabled until 6:15 p.m.

LATER ACTION:  Mrs. Wycoff moved that we give to Dr. Tyler’s estate (owner of Bay St. Theater) to benefit Bay St. Players the Tax Exemption.  There was no second, and after considerable discussion Mrs. Wycoff withdrew her motion.

On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board moved to deny the application for Ad Valorem Tax Exemption to Bay Street Players.

petition 1977-35    mr. alton anderson

Mrs. Anderson was present to discuss her Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Anderson’s the Homestead Exemption because they did not file in time.

petition 1977-36    mr. ronald apedaile

Withdrawn by phone.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans, and carried unanimously, the Board upheld the Property Appraiser’s denial for Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Apedaile sold the property in question prior to January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-9      donald stephens

Mr. Stephens was present to discuss his Petitions (1977-9 and 1977-10) with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals for the purpose of discussion, it was moved to accept a value of $500 on “the orange” structure.  Commr. Burhans voted “yes.”  Commrs. Windram and Deems voted “no” along with Mrs. Wycoff and Mr. Beals. The Chairman announced the motion did not carry.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, a value of $900 was set on “the orange” structure.

petition 1977-10    donald stephens

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, it was moved that that portion of approximately eight (8) acres Greenbelt be approved at $110 per acre and the remaining property stay the same.

At 12:40 p.m., the Chairman announced the Board would break for lunch and reconvene at 1:00 p.m.

petition 1977-33    W.M. gurley

Mr. Gurley was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, it was moved that the Property Appraiser be upheld on the assessed evaluation of $127,340.

On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals for purpose of discussion, the Board moved to uphold the Property Appraiser’s recommendation of $629,990 personal tangible property. Mrs. Wycoff voted “no.”  Commrs. Deems, Burhans, and Windram and Mr. Beals voted “yes.”

petition 1977-37    mrs. sue arnold

Settled with Property Appraiser in April.

petition 1977-38    mrs. emma bacon

Mrs. Bacon appeared before the Board regarding her Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, Mrs. Bacon’s request for Homestead Exemption was denied due to the fact she lost title to her home by Quit Claim Deed prior to January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-39    mr. richard BEDFORD

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the request for Homestead Exemption was denied due to the fact that the proper papers were not filed in time.

petition 1977-42    mr. sam bringier

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact the proper papers were not filed on time.

petition 1977-43    ms. ethel brown

No one present to appear before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to late filing.

petition 1977-44    mr. gilbert evanson

Mr. Thomas R. Smith, Mr. Evanson’s stepfather, appeared before the Board.  After discussion it was learned that Mr. Evanson is a totally disabled veteran.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board moved to accept the Property Appraiser’s suggestion to grant Mr. Evanson total exemption under Florida Statute 196.081 since he is a totally disabled veteran.

petition 1977-45    mr. thomas furlow

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board concurred with the Property Appraiser’s denial for Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Furlow did not hold deed to his property on January 1 of this year.

petition 1977-47    mr. r.c. granger, sr.

No one present to discuss this Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact the Property Appraiser had no facts that Mr. Granger was a permanent resident of Florida.

petition 1977-48    mr. ernest green

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact the Property Appraiser had no facts that Mr. Green was a permanent resident of Florida.

petition 1977-49    mr. earl grimes

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Grimes lost title to said property prior to January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-50    mrs. leona harding

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mrs. Harding had placed legal title to the land in an irrevocable trust prior to January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-51    mr. cleveland harris

Mr. Harris appeared before the Board regarding his Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Harris was late in filing the proper papers.

petition 1977-52    mr james h. harris

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that Mr. Harris did not acquire title to the property until after January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-53    mr. harold harward

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Harward appeared to be a resident of the State of California and refused to respond to the questionnaire from Mr. Havill.

petition 1977-54    mrs. sonja herbert

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact it was shown that Mrs. Herbert did not reside on said property January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-55    bessie v. holland

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact the papers were filed too late.

petition 1977-56    mr. a.l. honeycutt

No one present to discuss this Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the late filing date.

petition 1977-58    mr. will jackson

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  Due to the fact that the Post Office has a four-year-old forwarding address for Mr. Jackson in Silver Springs, Mr. Beals, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff, moved the Homestead Exemption be denied for lack of proof Mr. Jackson is a resident of said property.  The motion was carried unanimously.  Mr. Jackson also filed his Homestead application after the March 1, 1977 deadline.

petition 1977-60    mr. fletcher jones

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption for lack of proof Mr. Jones still resides on said property.

petition 1977-62    mr. leon killian

Mr. Killian was present to discuss his petition with the Board.

ACTION:  Upon the recommendation of the Property Appraisser and after Mr. Killian swore he was a bona fide Florida resident, Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, moved the Homestead Exemption be granted.

petition 1977-63    mr. arthur l. kurt

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact it was never proven Mr. Kurt is a permanent resident of Florida.

petition 1977-64    ms. cheryl lanuez

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact the necessary papers were filed late.

petition 1977-65    mr. charles a. liddon

Mr. Liddon was present to discuss his petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Liddon did not have title on January 1 of this year.

petition 1977-66    mr. and mrs. donald macmillan

No one present to discuss this Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the MacMillans do not live in said house and are in violation of Florida Statutes 196.061 because they leased the house out.

petition 1977-67    mr. john w. mccarthy

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact there is no house on said property.

petition 1977-68    ms. barbara j. meade

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  Mr. Beals moved for denial of the Homestead Exemption due to the fact it was improperly requested.  The motion died due to the lack of a second.

On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that Ms. Meade had sold the property prior to January 1, 1977.  Mrs. Wycoff and Commr. Burhans voted “no.”

petition 1977-69    mr. lloyd mitchel

Mrs. Mitchel was present to discuss her Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the late filing date.

petition 1977-70    john d. moreland

Mrs. Kennedy read a phone message received that morning from Mr. Moreland.  The note revealed the information that Mr. Moreland is in the service.

ACTION:  On the recommendation of the Property Appraiser and on a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board granted the Homestead Exemption based on the fact that Mr. Moreland is in the service.

petition 1977-71    ms. mary lou morris

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the necessary papers were filed too late.

petition 1977-72    mr. fred e. neeley

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact they had no proof that Mr. Neeley is a Florida resident.

petition 1977-74    mr. william parsons

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the necessary papers were filed too late.

petition 1977-75    mr. gerald quimby

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.  Mr. Havill announced he had reached a settlement with Mr. Quimby.

ACTION:  Mr. Havill’s recommendation for granting of Homestead Exemption, basic disability, and a second disability was accepted on a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously.

petition 1977-76    mr. ross q. saylor

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact they did not have evidence that Mr. Saylor was a permanent Lake County resident as of January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-77    ms. jill l. schiller

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Ms. Schiller was not a resident of Lake County as of January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-78    mr. james p. scott

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Homestead Exemption was denied due to a late filing date.

petition 1977-79    mr. john b. shaw

Mr. Shaw was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to late filing.

petition 1977-80    mr. william siebert

Mr. Siebert was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact the necessary papers were filed late.

petition 1977-81    mr. v.l. sinisi

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact there is no dwelling on said property.

petition 1977-82    jesse r. smith

This Petition had been withdrawn by phone.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to no house being on the property.

petition 1977-83    mrs. carmine spina

Mrs. Spina had sent letter stating she would not be appearing before the Board.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mrs. Spina is no longer a resident on said property.

petition 1977-84    mr. robert e. stark

The Board was advised that all letters to Mr. Stark had been returned – no forwarding address available.  Mr. Havill advised that the house had been sold prior to January 1, 1977 and that to his knowledge Mr. Stark was no longer a Florida resident.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption based on the above information.

petition 1977-85    mr. john stiggons

This had been withdrawn by phone.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Stiggons did not have title to the property on January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-86    mr. harry summer

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the property was being rented on January 1, 1977, and the owner did not reside there on that date.

petition 1977-87    mr. h.c. thames

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board granted Homestead Exemption due to the fact that Mr. Thames had sworn to Mr. Havill that he was a bona fide Florida resident.

petition 1977-88    mr. warren h. tinney

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board granted the Homestead Exemption to Mr. Tinney due to the fact that the majority of the Board felt Mr. Tinney was in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida.  Mrs. Wycoff and Mr. Beals voted “no.”

petition 1977-89    mr. h.e. torrance

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION: On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption because the necessary papers were filed too late.

petition 1977-90    mr. willie james walker

Mr. Walker was present to discuss his Petition with the Board.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board granted the Homestead Exemption to Mr. Walker.

petition 1977-91    mr. frank j. walkup

Withdrawn by phone.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied the Homestead Exemption due to the fact that there is no house on said property.

petition 1977-92    mr. charles walter, jr.

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead to Mr. Walter due to the fact that the necessary papers were filed too late.

petition 1977-93    mr. raymond walters

Withdrawn by phone.

ACTION: On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact Mr. Walters did not receive title to said property until after January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-94    mr. willie worthey

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the necessary paperwork was filed too late.

petition 1977-95    mr. jack wilbur

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Board moved to grant Mr. Wilbur his Homestead Exemption due to the fact the entire Board felt Mr. Wilbur was in compliance with the laws of the State of Florida.

petition 1977-98    ms. phoebe youman

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to a late filing date.

petition 1977-46    mr. robert goodman

No one appeared before the Board regarding this Petition.

ACTION:  On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Mr. Beals and carried unanimously, the Board denied Homestead Exemption due to the fact that the necessary paperwork was filed too late.

stacey skinner   6:10 p.m.

This Petition was filed very late.  Mrs. Skinner was informed that the Board was to consider at 6:10 p.m. whether or not to hear this Petition.

The Property Appraiser advised the Board that he had reached a satisfactory assessment of $24,650 with Mrs. Skinner.  No Board action was required.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.


C.A. “Lex” deems, chairman



James C. Watkins, Clerk