property appraisal adjustment BOARD

august 16, 1977

The Property Appraisal Adjustment Board met in special session on August 16, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of County Commissioners’ Room, Courthouse, Tavares, Florida.  Members present were:  Commr. C.A. “Lex” Deems, Chairman; Commr. Thomas J. Windram; and Commr. Glenn C. Burhans; and School Board Members Barbara Wycoff and Charles Beals.  Others present were James C. Watkins, Clerk; Ed Havill, Property Appraiser; Richard Hennings, Representative from the County Attorney’s Office; and Jennifer Kennedy, Deputy Clerk.


It was moved by Commr. Burhans and seconded by Mr. Beals to approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board of August 1, 1977, as amended.  Mrs. Wycoff said she would vote for approval with the exception of Petition 1977-53.  Discussion followed.  The motion and the second were withdrawn.

On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the August 1, 1977 minutes of the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board were approved as amended, with the exception of Petition 1977-53.

petition 1977-53    harold harward

On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried, the Board approved that section of the August 1, 1977 meeting pertaining to Petition 1977-53 as amended.  Mrs. Wycoff voted “no.”

petition 1977-52    mr. james h. harris

It was pointed out to the Board regarding Petition 1977-52 that although Mr. Harris’s request for Homestead Exemption was denied, the Board needed to take action on his request for a Disability Exemption.  Discussion followed.

On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board denied Mr. Harris’s request for Disability Exemption due to the fact that he had not acquired title to the property until after January 1, 1977.

petition 1977-18    clarence shaw

The Clerk informed the Board that the Special Master’s Report had been received from Mr. Edwin Waite.  The letter was read into the record.  Discussion followed.

On a motion by Mrs. Wycoff, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board accepted the recommendation of the Property Appraiser as supported by the Special Master and denied the Shaws’ request for a lower assessment.  Mr. Beals noted that it would have been cheaper to grant the Shaws relief rather than to have spent the money on a Special Master.

On a motion by Mr. Beals, seconded by Mrs. Wycoff and carried unanimously, the Special Master’s bill for two half-days at a total of $250.00 was approved for payment.

Mrs. Wycoff suggested it be put into the record that the members of the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board Session 1977 would not be compensated for travel allowance in the performance of their duties.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

The Property Appraisal Adjustment Board reconvened on September 6, 1977 at 9:00 a.m. to approve the previous minutes and sign the necessary forms for the Property Appraiser.  The following people were present:  Commr. C.A. “Lex” Deems, Commr. Thomas J. Windram, Commr. Glenn C. Burhans, School Board Members Barbara Wycoff and Charles Beals.  Others present were James C. Watkins, Clerk, and Jennifer Kennedy, Deputy Clerk.

On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board moved to approve and sign the two Property Appraisal Adjustment Board Certificates for the Property Appraisal Adjustment Board for 1977.

On a motion by Commr. Burhans, seconded by Commr. Windram and carried unanimously, the Board moved to approve their August 16, 1977 minutes.

There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:04 a.m.


C.A. “Lex” deems, chairman



James C. Watkins, Clerk