SEPTEMBER 18, 1980

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners convened in Special Session on Thursday, September 18, 1980, at 9:00 A.M. in the Board of County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Courthouse, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present were: C. A. "Lex" Deems, Chairman; Thomas J. Windram; Glenn Y. Middleton; James R. Carson, Jr. and Glenn C. Burhans. Others present were: Sanford Minkoff, County Attorney's Office; Harold Koppel, Finance Director; Don Smalt, Executive Assistant to the Clerk and Pat Shirah.


Discussion occurred regarding the money received by municipalities from Lake County. The Board suggested Mr. Koppel, Finance Director and Mr. Smalt, Executive Assistant to the Clerk contact each of the municipalities by telephone, and talk with the City Managers or City Clerks to discuss what effect a cut in the funds received would have on the municipalities.


At 10:40 A.M. the Chairman announced the Board would recess until 11:30 A.M. to enable Mr. Smalt and Mr. Koppel to contact each municipality.

The Board reconvened at 11:30 A.M.


Mr. Smalt and Mr. Koppel advised the Board the responses from the municipalities were not favorable to the cut in funds which they receive from the County. Most of the municipalities related a cut would greatly affect their budgets.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried the Board approved to advertise a Public Hearing to be set for November 12, 1980 at 5:05 P.M. to set a proposed millage rate of 3.3391.

Commr. Burhans and Commr. Middleton voted "no".

There being no further business to be brough to the attention of the Board tile meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M.

C.A. "Lex" Deems, Chairman

James. C. Watkins, Clerk