JUNE 9, 1983

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session for a budget workshop on Thursday, June 9, 1983, at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Tavares, Florida. Present at the meeting were: Thomas J. Windram, Chairman: James R. Carson, Jr. ; Claude Smoak; and Glenn C. Rurhans. Others present were: James C. Watkins, Clerk; Donald W. Smalt, Administrative Services Director; Robert L. Wilson, Finance Director; Bill LeHeup, Senior Clerk; and Mary C. Grover, Secretary.


The following proposed budgets (without salaries included) were discussed with the tentative results:

Senior Services

Mr. Jim Lowe, President of the Lake County Senior Services, was present to discuss his budget request with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Senior Services budget in the amount of $14,207 (last year's figure).

Water Authority

Mr. Will Davis, Director of Water Authority, was present to discuss their budget request with the Board. He stated that the reason there was an increase in the budget was due to three extra projects which were requested by Mr. Ted Wicks, Pollution Control and which had been approved by the Water Authority to fund l/2 of the project costs.


At 1:50 p.m. Commr. Burhans excused himself from the meeting and later returned at 2:50.

Water Authority Continued

Mr. Davis stated that the Water Authority has been discussing decreasing the cooperative program with the United States Geological Services (USGS) and picking up some of the services now performed by USGS. Discussion occurred regarding cancelling the agreement with USGS and developing a program between the Water Authority, Pollution Control, and Public Works Department.

The Board directed Mr. Davis and the Pollution Control Department to review the USGS Agreement to determine if the current contract should be renewed or recommend a funding level to meet the monitoring requirements that are necessary in Lake County and bring back a recommendation to the Board at the budget workshop scheduled for June 30, 1983.

County Attorney

Mr. Sanford Minkoff, County Attorney's Office, was present to discuss the County Attorney's proposed budget request with the Board. Discussion occurred regarding which County employees have the authority to contact the County Attorney's office for legal services. The Board further discussed the method in which the legal services were billed to each Department.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Smoak and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the amount of $126,000 for legal services in the County Attorney's budget.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the remainder of the line items in the County Attorney's budget in the amount of $6,300.


Mr. Glenn Timmons, Personnel Director, addressed the Board and stated that his proposed budget had been reduced from $22,600 to $16,950. He stated that in his budget, he was requesting funds for the purchase of a copier. He stated that the cost for the purchase of the copier would be divided with three other departments--Purchasing, Mosquito Control, and Animal Control.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the proposed Personnel budget in the amount of $16,950.


Mr. Donald W. Smalt, Administrative Services Director, was present to discuss the Purchasing budget with the Board. It was noted that the budget had been reduced from $17,050 to $14 ,050.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Purchasing budget in the amount of $14,050.

Building Maintenance/Building Custodian

Mr. Frank Woodson, Maintenance Supervisor, was present to to review his budget request with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the budgets for Building Maintenance and Building Custodian in the amounts of $54,362 and $27,333 respectively.

At this time the Board commended Mr. Woodson and his employees for the outstanding job of maintaining the Courthouse buildings and grounds.

Planning Department

Mr. Mike Willett, Director of Development & Public Works, addressed the Board to discuss the Planning budget. Discussion occurred regarding the increase of legal fees in the 1983-84 budget. Mr. Willett stated that only the Department Heads in the Planning, Building, and Zoning Departments have the authority to contact the County Attorney's Office. The Board discussed the line item included for a computer system. Mr. Willett stated that the cost for the system was divided between his departments. The Board discussed the possibility of connecting with the computer system in the Finance Department or purchasing a separate mini system.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Planning Department budget in the amount of $35,539.

Building and Zoning

Mr. Willett was present to discuss this budget request with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Building and Zoning budget in the amount of $92,825.

Boating Improvement

Mr. Willett and Barbara Landwehr, Planning Department, were present to discuss the Boating Improvement budget with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Smoak and

carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Boating Improvement budget in the amount of $57,400.

Pollution Control

Mr. Ted Wicks, Pollution Control Director, was present to discuss the Pollution Control budget with the Board.

The Board informed Mr. Wicks of the discussion that had taken place earlier regarding the Agreement with the United States Geological Services (USGS), Lake County, and the Water Authority. Discussion occurred regarding the Conserve II Project and the possibility of hiring an additional person in Pollution Control with funding for the person to come from the Conserve II Project and directed Ted Wicks to research the possibility and come back to the Board with a recommendation.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Pollution Control budget in the amount of $44,985.

Emergency Services

Mr. Willett was present to discuss the Emergency Services budget with the Board.

Discussion occurred regarding the payment of the utilities since the Emergency Services Department is utilizing a portion of the Jail. The Board directed Mr. Wilson, Finance Director, to review the payment of the utilities and come back to the Board with a recommendation. The Board also instructed Mr. Wilson to research the amount of revenue which is received by Lake County from the State. The Board also discussed the travel line item and requested Mr. Willett to research if all the travel that was being requested was necessary.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Smoak and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Emergency

Services budget in the amount of $23,435.

Veteran Services

Mr. Art Ragland, Veteran Service Officer, addressed the Board to discuss his budget request with the Board.

Mr. Ragland submitted a revised copy of his budget reducing

it from $7,296 to $6,081.

At this time the Board commended Mr. Ragland on the excellent job he is doing for the Veteran Service Office.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved the Veteran Service budget in the amount of $6,081.

Lake County Family Planning

Mrs. Connie Patrowicz, Lake County Family Planning, addressed the Board to discuss the $15,000 allocation requested for the sterilization program. Mrs. Patrowicz presented the Board with a handout of the fee schedule used by Family Planning, a tally of monthly fee collections, and also a synopsis showing how much money has been appropriated during the years to Family Planning from the Board and how much of the funds were spent during those years.

Mrs. Delores Andrejek, Yalaha, addressed the Board to object to the $15,000 for the sterlization program being allocated to the Lake County Family Planning Council. She stated that she felt the funds should be allocated to the Lake County Health Department as she felt the funds should not be given to a federally funded program.

Commr. Burhans informed the Board that he met with Dr. Atkinson, Director of the Lake County Health Department, and that Dr. Atkinson indicated that in order for her department to run the sterlization program, she would need additional personnel which would increase the amount requested for the present program. He further stated that Dr. Atkinson felt she would not be able to obtain the grant monies presently given to the Lake County Family Planning due to the record of the Family Planning Council.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board tentatively approved $15,000 for the sterilization program and $1,500 for the tubercular care.


Mr. Donald W. Smalt, Administrative Services Director, informed the Board a letter had been received from Sheriff Griffin requesting that he be notified of when the discussion on his budget would be occurring seven (7) days in advance.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Thomas J. Windram, Chiarman

James C. Watkins, Clerk


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J. Windram, Chairman