AUGUST 27, 1991

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, August 27, 1991, at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting Room, Lake County Courthouse, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Donald B. Bailey, Chairman; C. W. "Chick" Gregg; Richard Swartz; Catherine Hanson; and Michael J. Bakich. Others present were: Annette Star Lustgarten, County Attorney; Alan A. Thelen, County Manager; Ava Kronz, Assistant to the County Manager; Robert K. McKee, Chief Deputy Clerk; and Marlene S. Foran, Deputy Clerk.



Mr. Tom Neumayer, Executive Director of Corrections, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Corrections Department budget for FY 1991-92.

Mr. Neumayer presented an update on the leasing of beds to the Federal Government. He stated that the United States Marshall Service has responded by letter that they would contract for approximately 20-40 inmate beds from the County, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service responded they would contract for 100 inmate beds. Mr. Neumayer stated that no word has been received from the Federal Bureau of Prisons at this time.

Mr. Neumayer presented, for the Board's review, a Bed Leasing Analysis illustrating the potential revenue for the leasing of 128 beds in the New Jail at $45 per day, $50 per day, and $55 per day. The analysis also provided an illustration of expenses and the surplus provided at the per diem rates above. He stated that, if the County is successful in leasing the 128 inmate beds, the County will realize a surplus of approximately $256,650.00, if the beds are leased at $50 per day.

Mr. Neumayer stated that he feels entering into an agreement with the Federal Government, for the purpose of leasing inmate beds, would benefit the County economically.

Discussion occurred regarding staffing reductions for the Corrections Department, at which time it was determined that additional staffing positions would not be filled until contracts are signed for leasing of the 128 inmate beds; and the additional revenue, resulting from the staffing positions being left vacant, will be reflected in the budget.

Mr. Al Thelen, County Manager, stated that the Corrections Department budget reflects a reduction of personnel from 207 positions to 203 positions.

Mr. Neumayer stated he foresees the Federal Government expanding the leasing of beds in the ensuing years, once they determine it is convenient using the Lake County facilities.

Mr. Neumayer stated that a decision will need to be made in the near future regarding the funding for the Correctional Services Group Contract Expansion.


Mr. Don Findell, Executive Director, Environmental Services Department, addressed the Board and reviewed the Environmental Services Budgets for FY 1991-92.

Discussion occurred regarding the necessity of purchasing the Lo Boy Trailer, in the amount of $20,000.00, at which time Mr. Findell stated that the County also has the option to lease the Lo Boy Trailer for $5,000.00, or to borrow the Lo Boy from the Public Works Department for $16,000.00, which would result in a charge back to the County.

Commr. Gregg suggested that staff perform a review of the overall effect of borrowing the Lo Boy Trailer from the Public Works Department, and determine the feasibility of the $16,000.00 charge back fee involved.

Mr. Findell reviewed the proposed purchase of a Tub Grinder, in the amount of $329,550.00. He stated that Waste Tire Grant Funds would be used for the purchase of the Tub Grinder.

Mr. Findell briefly reviewed the various areas in which reductions have been made since the July 25, 1991 workshop, resulting in a total reduction of $3,790,419.00. He reviewed revised appropriations in the proposed budget, as follows: Postponing countywide recycling, with a reduction to collectors based on 7,600 homes rather than countywide; continuation of Transfer Station operation; reduction in Solid Waste Contractual Services; a reduction in Equipment; a reduction in Contingency; and adjustments made in Personal Services. He stated that under Revenue, adjustments were made in solid waste, which included landfill disposal fees, miscellaneous recycling revenue and the elimination of the Special Revenue Fund.

Discussion occurred regarding a reduction in the equipment expenses, at which time Commr. Swartz suggested that the Lo Boy Trailer be budgeted for $5,000.00, the amount for which the trailer can be leased, and suggested Environmental Services staff meet with Public Works and the County Manager to determine the feasibility of borrowing the trailer from Public Works, and to determine if this can be done for approximately the same amount for which it can be leased.

Mr. Findell stated that Mr. Kyle Garrett, Ogden Martin Systems of Lake County, Inc., had been requested to do a reevaluation of the service fee projections for FY 1991-92. He stated that Mr. Garrett has completed his reevaluation of the projected service fee and has presented three forecasts for fee revision of the FY 1991-92 service fee. Mr. Garrett's review of the individual forecasts indicates that the major potential reduction in the service fee is associated with debt service costs. Forecast #1 assumes a slight increase of 3/4% to 1% in interest rates for FY 1991-92; Forecast #2 assumes essentially the same interest rates as

experienced for FY 1990-91; and Forecast #3 assumes a 1-1/2% to 2% increase over current interest rates.

Mr. Findell stated that it is staff's recommendation to use Forecast #1 for budgetary purposes, if the County is willing to accept the risk that interest rates may rise only slightly in FY 1991-92. He stated that utilization of Forecast #1 would allow for a reduction in the projected service fee of $800,000.00 and reduce the tipping fee from a proposed $73.00/ton to $65.00/ton under the current FY 1991-92 proposed Solid & Hazardous Waste Management budget conditions.

Commr. Gregg stated that he supports staff's recommendation to use Forecast #1, resulting in a projected service fee reduction of $800,000.00, and a reduced tipping fee from a proposed $73.00/ton to $65.00/ton.


Mr. John Swanson, Executive Director, Planning & Development, addressed the Board and reviewed the Planning & Development Budget for FY 1991-92. He stated that the position of one Permit Clerk, in the Building Department; and one Planner III, in Current Planning, have been eliminated, resulting in forty-nine (49) full-time positions and one (1) part-time position in the Planning & Development Department. He stated that elimination of these two positions results in a reduction of $63,522.00 to the budget.

Mr. Swanson stated that there has been a reduction in Communications within the various divisions of his department, resulting in a total reduction in Communications in the amount of $10,890.00.

Ms. Annette Star Lustgarten, County Attorney, stated that a Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent to firms in Tallahassee for the purpose of representing Lake County in the Department of Community Affairs negotiations, regarding the Lake County Comprehensive Plan, in the event of an Administrative Hearing or the possibility of Lake County appearing before the Cabinet in the event of an appeal. Ms. Lustgarten stated, after review of the RFPs, she is estimating legal fees will cost Lake County approximately $150 per hour.

Mr. Thelen suggested the expense for the legal fees, in question, be taken from the FY 1991-92 Planning & Development Budget Contingency Fund and then establish a special account for planning for said expenses. After discussion, it was agreed to take $25,000.00 from the Planning & Development Contingency Fund for establishing a special account for incurred legal fee expenses. At this time, Ms. Anderson presented to the Board a Budget Summary of current revisions, which have been made as a result of the July 25, 1991 budget workshop.


Mr. Lonnie Strickland, Director of Health & General Services, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Health & General Services Budgets for FY 1991-92.

Mr. Strickland stated that, at the direction of the Board, the Fire Mechanic position has been inserted into the budget. He reviewed other revised appropriations, and stated that there has been an increase in Worker's Compensation, an increase in Property & Liability Insurance and a decrease in Machinery & Equipment. He stated that the Proposed Budget is in the amount of $2,861,367.00.

Discussion occurred regarding a reduction of $82,378.00 in Machinery and Equipment; funding of the Fire Mechanic's position; and lowering the Contingency Fund to $50,000.00, for the purpose of funding the Fire Mechanic position.

Commr. Swartz suggested reducing the Contingency Fund to $50,000.00 and putting the excess funds back into Machinery & Equipment. He further suggested staff prepare a list of fire service equipment for the Board's review, so that they can determine what equipment is being eliminated. He stated that the $131,574.00, which was originally budgeted, was needed equipment for the safety of the paid and volunteer fire fighters, and was needed for operation of the Fire Service Departments.

Discussion occurred regarding various methods of funding the purchase of the needed fire equipment, at which time it was decided that funding could be made available through rolling stock, but not through sales tax. Commr. Swartz suggested that staff look at alternatives for funding of necessary equipment, which would include looking at short term borrowing.


Mr. Jim Stivender, Director of Public Works, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Public Works Budget for FY 1991-92. He stated that there has been a reduction of $400,000.00 in Roads, due to FY 1991-92 revenue projections; and a reduction in legal and permitting fees, from $35,000.00 to $15,000.00, due to a Fee Waiver Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation.

Commr. Gregg suggested the elimination of the Tree Farm appropriation, in the amount of $47,000.00, at which time discussion occurred regarding the feasibility of operating the Tree Farm.

Commr. Swartz suggested that the County take advantage of the State Grant, and plant a lesser number of trees than originally planned, for the purpose of meeting the demand of replacing trees, and for the purpose of planting trees in County parks, along rights-of-way, and areas that would benefit from having more trees. It was the decision of the Board, at this time, not to support a Tree Farm project in the FY 1991-92 budget, with staff directed to make the necessary adjustments in the budget to allow for the purchase of trees when needed.


Mr. Mike Anderson, Capital Improvements Director, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Capital Improvements Budget for FY 1991-92.

Mr. Anderson stated that approximately $4,530,543.00 in unspent revenues has been identified in the Infrastructure Sales Tax Revenue Fund. He stated that these revenues will be applied to new capital projects that will be required to accommodate staff once the new Courts Building is completed. The projects will consist of renovation of space in the existing jail, round Courthouse, Old Post Office and Property Appraiser's Office Building.

Mr. Thelen stated that the Lake County Space Study, which was completed by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc., will have a major impact on the FY 1992-93 General Fund budget through revenue from leasing space.


Ms. Eleanor Anderson, Executive Director of Management/Budget, addressed the Board, and reviewed the Administrative Services Budget for FY 1991-92. She stated that the only adjustment in the budget has been in Communications.

Ms. Anderson addressed the issue of the computer equipment, and estimated there will be an approximate $7,000.00 savings by preparing specifications and requesting bids on needed computer equipment.

Discussion occurred regarding the request for a secretarial position in the Purchasing Department, with the decision of the Board not to fund the position in question. Ms. Anderson requested that the Board consider salary and wage compensation for temporary help during times when the work load demands.

Ms. Lois Martin, Personnel Manager, distributed a Position Authorization Summary, for the Board's review, which included a list of all of the personnel changes that have been made since the first FY 1991-92 budget workshop.


Ms. Annette Star Lustgarten, County Attorney, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised County Attorney's Budget for FY 1991-92, and stated that the only change in her budget is a reduction in Communications, in an amount of $1,310.00, reducing the total budget to $393,890.00 for FY 1991-92.


Mr. Al Thelen, County Manager, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised County Manager's Budget for FY 1991-92, and stated that the only change in his budget is a reduction in Communications, in an amount of $1,200.00, reducing the total budget to $150,526.00 for FY 1991-92.


Ms. Ava Krontz, Assistant to the County Manager, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Board of County Commissioners Legislative Budget for FY 1991-92, and stated that the budget reflects an increase in salaries and a reduction in Communications, reducing the total budget to $273,305.00 for FY 1991-92.


Ms. Ava Krontz, Assistant to the County Manager, addressed the Board and reviewed the revised Administrative Support Budget for FY 1991-92, and stated that the budget reflects a reduction in Communications, reducing the total budget to $247,219.00 for FY 1991-92.


At this time, Mr. Thelen stated it is his recommendation that the presentations at the Public Hearings on September 3, 1991 and September 17, 1991 be limited to five (5) minutes for each department, with a hand out made available to the public.

Commr. Swartz suggested it would be beneficial to have available a condensed version of the Position Authorization Summary listing positions in the Corrections Department separately.


Ms. Anderson reviewed additions and reductions to the proposed FY 1991-92 General Fund. She stated additional revenue had been added into the budget since the July 25, 1991 budget workshop, which included Drug Grant Funds for Dare and Genesis in the amount of $126,150.00; Excess Fees for the Tax Collector, in the amount of $66,705.00; Housing Federal Prisoners at $50/day for additional revenue of $52,595.00; and EMS Grant Funds in the amount of $74,400.00.

Ms. Anderson briefly reviewed additional appropriations which had been added into the budget since the July 25, 1991 budget workshop. Ms. Anderson stated that the proposed budget for FY 1991-92 is in the amount of $37,587,155.00.

Ms. Anderson stated that there are concerns within the Judicial budget concerning Court costs running higher than anticipated for complex cases, depositions, and court reporters. She stated that there will be a need to transfer from the Contingency approximately $70,000.00 to $100,000.00 to cover these costs next year.

Commr. Swartz suggested that the Board set a target for the Contingency Reserve Fund for FY 1991-92. After discussion, it was decided a decision would be made at the Public Hearing regarding the total amount needed in the Contingency Reserve Fund.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m.





