JULY 10, 1995

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Monday, July 10, 1995, at 9:00 a.m., in the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting Room, Lake County Administration Building, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Rhonda H. Gerber, Chairman; William "Bill" H. Good, Vice Chairman; G. Richard Swartz; Catherine C. Hanson; and Welton G. Cadwell. Others present were: Sue B. Whittle, Interim County Manager; Ava Kronz, BCC Office Manager; and Marlene S. Foran, Deputy Clerk.

At this time, Commr. Gerber introduced the following individuals who were present from the Clerk's Finance, Audit & Budgets Department: Barbara F. Lehman, Chief Deputy Clerk; Sarah R. LaMarche, Budget Director; Tracy L. Zeller, Senior Budget Analyst; Kevin M. McDonald, Senior Budget Analyst; and Julia A. Wilson, Budget Assistant.


Ms. Sue Whittle, Interim County Manager, stated that the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1995/96 totals $139,624,759.00, a decrease from the current year's amended budget totaling $154,594,200.00. She explained that the Board had requested that operations be funded through current revenues, adequate reserves be maintained or established in all funds, sufficient replacement and maintenance funds be allocated to safeguard capital investments, competitive compensation and benefit plans for the County's workforce be sustained, and the goal of the budget would be to require no increase in property taxes for Fiscal Year 1995/96. She stated that all departments and Constitutional Officers were requested to present a baseline budget, which continued the necessary current operations, and an enhanced budget, which included new programs, capital equipment and additional personnel.

Ms. Whittle stated that the baseline budget, as presented, requires an increase in ad valorem taxes of 5.04% over the rolled-back rate, from the current 4.948 mills to 5.198 mills. She explained that the budget, at the enhanced level, would require an increase in ad valorem taxes of 7.85% over the rolled-back rate, from the current 4.948 mills to 5.337 mills. She stated that the major part of the increase was within the Sheriff's budget, which includes a $1.9 million increase over the current year, and the major portion of the Sheriff's increase was to fund the implementation of the five-year plan. She stated that it was imperative that the Board determine the proper levels of service, and that a schedule be established in order to allow orderly implementation that was consistent with the current and projected General Fund revenues.

Ms. Barbara Lehman, Chief Deputy Clerk, Finance, Audit & Budgets Department, directed the Board's attention to the Lake County Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 1995/96 booklet, which had been distributed prior to the start of the meeting. She briefly discussed the Introduction section, as each page was displayed on the monitor, and addressed questions presented by the Board, as follows:

Revenues By Source/Expenditures By Function

Discussion occurred in regard to the Revenues By Source and Expenditures By Function "pie" charts; at which time, Commr. Swartz requested that staff provide a pie chart of past trends to illustrate the significant shifts in overall funding percentages and to provide a historical view.

General Fund Appropriations Comparison

Discussion occurred in regard to the General Fund Appropriation Comparison; at which time Commr. Swartz requested that staff provide a pie chart that illustrates Corrections and Law Enforcement as separate portions of the pie within the Sheriff's budget.

General Fund Summary

Ms. Lehman discussed the General Fund Summary for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and stated that the shortfall was approximately $328,000.00 under the County Manager Recommended Budget, if the current millage rate of 5.135 mills was used to compute the ad valorem taxes.

General Fund Revenues - Detail

Discussion occurred regarding State Revenue Sharing under the General Fund Revenues-Detail; at which time Ms. Sarah LaMarche, Budget Director, explained that the projected State Revenue Sharing, in the amount of $2,940,000, was higher than the amount projected by the State based on current trends and was a number that had been furnished by the Department of Revenue.

Commr. Swartz questioned if staff was certain that Housing Federal Prisioners, in the projected amount of $495,000.00, was correct.

Fiscal Impact of Requested Positions

Discussion occurred regarding the Fiscal Impact of Requested Positions, and the total number of requested positions for Fiscal Year 1995/96, at which time, Ms. Whittle stated that eight (8) of the requested ten (10) positions were in Planning and Development Services and that said positions were entirely grant or fee supported in the proposed budget and are primarily for the south Lake County offices. Ms. LaMarche interjected that the remaining two positions were requested in the County Manager's office.

Commr. Swartz questioned whether the 462 positions reflected the correct number of authorized full time positions in the Fiscal Year 1994/95 budget; at which time, Ms. LaMarche responded that said number reflects 10 seasonal positions in Mosquito Management. It was noted that a total of 459 positions would be reflected in the County Manager's Recommended budget. Commr. Swartz requested that staff prepare a recap of Board positions over the last few years.

History of Ad Valorem Taxes

Commr. Swartz discussed the General Fund History of Ad Valorem Taxes and requested that a column be added that illustrates the percent of increase or decrease relative to the millage rate over roll-back.


At 10:05 a.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for five minutes.


Ms. Whittle informed the Board that the budget before the Board at this time was a policy level budget and did not include the line items that make up that budget in order to allow the Board to focus on the bottom line, and the programs offered by the departments.

The following individuals were present from the Public Services Department to provide statistical information and to answer questions during the Budget Workshop: Mr. Jim Stivender, Jr., Director of Public Services; Mr. Chuck Pula, Recreation Coordinator; Mr. Don Griffey, Director of Engineering; Ms. Kathy McDonald, Special Projects Coordinator; Mr. Eric Cotsenmoyer, Director of Mosquito-Aquatic Plant Management; and Mr. Mike Brooks, Road Operations Division Director.

Mr. Jim Stivender, Jr., Director of Public Services, appeared before the Board and discussed a program to rectify the problem of people living in Lake County that were purchasing their gasoline in other counties where they were employed. He presented a graph illustrating East Central Florida Council numbers and a proposed logo which encourages people to support their local roads and to purchase their gasoline locally.

Mr. Stivender presented the tentative budget for Public Services for Fiscal Year 1995/96, and briefly discussed the Budget Highlights for Road Operations; Engineering; Alternative Transportation; Special Services; Special Assessment; Road Impact Fees; Mosquito Management; Aquatic Plant Management; Fish Conservation; Parks Services; Alternative Transportation - Rails/Trails; and Boating Improvements.

Mr. Stivender discussed the positions requested under the Department of Public Services Requested Positions for Fiscal Year 1995/96, which consisted of the following: Mosquito Control: Spray Truck Operators (2); Engineering: Engineer IV (Reclass/Upgrade from Engineer III) and Right-of-Way Manager; Roads: maintenance workers (9) and Clerical Assistants (3). He briefly discussed the need for said positions, and noted a total fiscal impact of $310,054.00. Ms. Whittle discussed her practice of allowing for reclass/upgrade positions if a department director determines said reclass/upgrade was essential, specific personnel criteria are met, and the reclass/upgrade can be done within the monies that are available within that department.

Commr. Swartz noted that the practice in the past has been that all reclass/upgrade positions be approved by the Board. He suggested that the Board consider a policy that clearly outlines the authority for the County Manager to move employees from division to division without approval of the Board. He requested that the County Manager give additional consideration to the two (2) seasonal mosquito spray operators if it was within the existing available budget.


Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Engineering, in the amount of $2,041,588, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and discussion occurred regarding the key projects for Fiscal Year 1995/96. Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the Program Detail; at which time Mr. Don Griffey stated that the FEMA remapping 50% cost share, under General Fund reimbursed items, was incorrect and that FEMA would be contributing more than 50% cost share.

Mr. Stivender directed the Board's attention to the Capital Outlay-Detail and briefly discussed items under Machinery and Equipment; at which time discussion occurred in regard to the computerized roadside message board, in the amount of $5,000.00.

Road Operations

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Road Operations, in the amount of $3,576,687.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and discussion occurred regarding the key projects for Fiscal Year 1995/96. Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the Program Detail and noted that the Operating Expenses-Detail reflects decreases in many of the categories.

Parks Services

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Parks Services for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and explained that personal services for 1996 include a five (5%) percent increase for the implementation of the compensation plan, and that the capital outlay of $102,000.00 consists primarily of $100,000.00 for improvements for the Palatlakaha River Park. He presented a brief overview of the Program Detail and noted that Fencing for the Hinson Cemetery, in the amount of $5,000.00, was required as part of an agreement with the Forestry Service. Discussion occurred in regard to resurfacing the basketball court in Sorrento Park, in the amount of $15,000.00, and Commr. Hanson suggested that this project apply for a $15,000.00 grant.

Discussion occurred regarding the Grants and Aids-Detail, at which time Commr. Cadwell addressed Maintenance Assistance to Cities, in the amount of $20,000.00, and informed the Board that the League of Cities has formed a committee to review this issue.

Boating Improvements

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Boating Improvements for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and it was noted that these projects were funded by revenues received from the State. Mr. Stivender briefly discussed the Program Detail, and requested that land acquisition for Lake Holly, in the amount of $70,000.00, be deleted from the Capital Outlay-Detail.

Alternative Transportation - Rails/Trails

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Alternative Transportation - Rails/Trails, in the amount of $200,000.00 in capital outlay for the purchase of land to connect the South Lake Rail Trail from the Orange County Line to the City of Clermont for Fiscal Year 1995-96.

Mosquito Management

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Mosquito Management, in the amount of $654,030.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail. He noted an increase in Operating Supplies due to a price increase in chemicals.

Aquatic Plant Management

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Aquatic Plant Manager, in the amount of $349,093.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96, a decrease of fifteen (15%) percent from the 1995 amended budget primarily from funds budgeted in 1995 for the drawdown of Lake Griffin not rebudgeted in 1996.

Fish Conservation

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Fish Conservation for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and noted that the beginning fund balance was estimated at $208,000.00, and that reserves of $203,000.00 were estimated for carryforward to 1997.

Special Services

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Special Services, in the amount of $3,707,188.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail. He requested that the monthly fee for computerized weather system, in the amount of $2,400.00, be deleted from the Professional/Contractual Services-Detail and from the Change in Operating Expenses-Detail. He further requested that computerized weather system, under Capital Outlay-Detail, be deleted from the Enhanced Budget in the amount of $4,000.00.

Alternative Transportation

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Alternative Transportation, in the amount of $49,168.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail. He stated that Polk County had donated 40 bicycles to Lake County and, therefore, the bicycle items under Change in Operating Expenses should be reduced from $2,600.00 to $1,000.00. He further explained that Capital Outlay includes $7,000.00 for an enclosed hauling trailer to haul the bicycles.

Special Assessment

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Special Assessment, in the amount of $460,000.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Road Impact Fees

Mr. Stivender presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Road Impact Fees for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and stated that expected expenses for capital outlay were $9,110,000.00. He briefly discussed the Program Detail. It was noted that Benefit District 3 should also include Fruitland Park and Lady Lake under the Capital Outlay-Detail.


At 12:23 p.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for lunch and reconvene at 2:00 p.m.


The following individuals were present from Solid Waste Management Services to provide statistical information and to answer questions during the Budget Workshop: Mr. David Crowe, Acting Solid Waste Management Services Director; Ms. Claire Bartlett, Solid Waste Disposal Operations Manager; Ms. Cindy Heffler, Assessment/Customer Service Coordinator; and Mr. Gary Debo, Construction Contracts Manager.

Mr. David Crowe, Acting Solid Waste Management Services Director, stated that reorganization has occurred within the department, and Support Services was now a separate cost center for better tracking purposes.

Ms. Whittle stated that a study was being performed in the Solid Waste Department to review organizational structure and results were expected on said study by the end of the week which may have an impact on the budget before the Board at this time.

Mr. Crowe presented the tentative budget for Solid Waste Management Department, in the amount of $17,411,381.00; and discussed the Solid Waste Management Department Fund 420 Summary. Commr. Swartz requested a breakout of the percentage of people who were paying for disposal through assessment versus through their hauler in the unincorporated area, and a breakout on the assessment fees between those that are self haul versus those that are paying for haul and disposal.

Discussion occurred in regard to Reserve for Equipment Replacement, in the amount of $800,000.00; at which time, Ms. Claire Bartlett, Solid Waste Disposal Operations Coordinator, stated that staff was in the process of preparing a Comparative Report, which would be presented to the Board through the Purchasing Department, and staff would ultimately request the Board to provide authority to bid out for new equipment based on the findings on this report.

Mr. Crowe discussed the Summary of Personnel Changes for Fiscal Year 1995/96, and stated that they were requesting the following positions: Administration: Public Education Specialist and a Secretary; Assessment Management: Field Investigator, Field Investigator (Temp/Perm), Customer Service Representative I (Temp/Perm) and Upgrade Field Investigator to Senior Field Investigator.


Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Administration, in the amount of $1,315,123.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail. He noted a change under Capital Outlay-Detail and requested that computers for two new positions, in the amount of $3,500.00, be deleted.

Waste Tire Grant III

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Waste Tire Grant III, in the amount of $50,000.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Litter and Marine Grant

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Litter and Marine Grant, in the amount of $20,909.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and briefly discussed the Program Detail. He noted that a generation study was budgeted in the amount of $9,840.00.

Recycling & Recycling Education Grant

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Recycling, in the amount of $81,005.00, and the Recycling Education Grant, in the amount of $267,895.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Commr. Swartz discussed the tonnage estimated for Fiscal Year 1996, at which time Mr. Crowe stated that he would provide a breakdown of the percentage of tons estimated for Fiscal Year 1996 that were from the unincorporated area versus from the cities.

Assessment Management Services

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Assessment Management Services, at which time worksheets on the Greater Pines Municipal Service Benefit Unit, Greater Hills Municipal Service Benefit Unit, Village Green Municipal Service Benefit Unit, and Greater Groves Municipal Service Benefit Unit for Fiscal Year 1994/95 were distributed to the Board for their review. Mr. Crowe noted that the numbers had been adjusted slightly. He briefly discussed the Program Detail and directed the Board's attention to Revenues, Transfer-Fire & Emergency Services, noting a change from $89,730.00 to $72,787.00 under the recommended budget and the enhanced budget.

Solid Waste Disposal Operations

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Solid Waste Disposal Operations, in the amount of $8,635,881.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96, a decrease of $2,773,557.00 from 1995, and briefly discussed the Program Detail. Mr. Crowe directed the Board's attention to Capital Outlay-Detail, and explained that Field Fuel Island, in the amount of $50,000.00, had been moved under Capital Construction for a landscaping berm along the landfill to meet the Lake County Landscaping Ordinance. Discussion occurred in regard to a request for a one ton flatbed dual wheel truck with 4WD to replace a 1985 Dodge truck, in the amount of $27,700.00.

Support Services & Drop-Off Facilities

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Support Services, in the amount of $291,058.00, and Drop-Off Facilities, in the amount of $127,458.00, a decrease of sixty (60%) percent from the 1995 amended budget. He briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Hazardous Waste Management

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for Hazardous Waste Management for Fiscal Year 1995-96, which includes a transfer of a Field Investigator from Disposal Operations to Hazardous Waste to consolidate the investigation forces for illegal dumping into one group. He briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Hazardous Waste Collection Grant

Mr. Crowe presented a brief overview of the tentative recommended budget for the Hazardous Waste Collection Grant, in an estimated amount of $21,200.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and briefly discussed the Program Detail.

Solid Waste Capital Improvements

$19,000,000 Line of Credit Fund 421

Mr. Crowe discussed the $19,000,000 Line of Credit for capital projects anticipating a tentative recommended budget, in the amount of $3,500,216.00, for finishing projects. He explained that the estimated cash balance at the end of Fiscal Year 1995-96 was in the amount of $1,194,716.00. At this time, a brief discussion occurred regarding the Employee Break Room, in the amount of $70,000.00.

Solid Waste Closure and Post Closure Care Costs Fund 422

Mr. Crowe discussed the Solid Waste Closure and Post Closure Care Costs, in the amount of $2,466,562.00, for Fiscal Year 1995-96. He addressed Contingency and Reserve, under Expenditures, in the amount of $1,903,213.00 and explained that Florida Statute requires that post closure activities be funded up to thirty (30) years in some cases, and a contingency was required in case of a unexpected escalation.


At 4:40 p.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for ten minutes, and reconvene at 4:50 p.m.



At this time, it was the decision of the Board to start with the County Manager Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 1995-96 and that the following issues warranted further review and/or consideration for the Proposed Operating Budget for Public Services:

1) Parks Services - Maintenance Assistance to Cities - $20,000 grant for maintenance of parks in cities.

2) Mosquito Control - Consideration of the two (2) seasonal mosquito spray operators, particularly if it is within the existing budget.

3) Transportation Engineering - Consideration of the right-of-way manager.

4) Parks Services - Basketball Court Resurfacing - Sorrento Park Have this project apply for a $15,000 grant.

5) Parks Services - $5,000 fencing at Hinson Cemetery as per agreement with the Forestry Service.

6) Engineering - Reconsideration of the $5,000 flashing sign in both the County Manager Recommended and Enhanced budgets.

7) Fish Conservation - Determine the actual cost per pound of the 180 pounds of fish food for Hickory Point ($1,500).

8) Special Services - Purpose of the financial advisory service; and accuracy of the $10,000.



At this time, it was the decision of the Board that the following issues warranted further review and/or consideration for the 1995/1996 Proposed Operating Budget for Solid Waste:

1) Administration - Public Education Specialist and Secretary - Prefer that these positions not be funded from contingency; consider other funding source within the budget.

2) Recycling Program - Composting Generation Study & Engineering Services - Prepare a specific plan. Put into a special reserve, with separate titles designated for easy identification.

3) Litter & Marine Grant - Generation Study

4) Assessment Management Services - Explain the modification to Customer Service Information System (CIS), and the associated dollars.

5) Assessment Management Services - Purpose of contract with the Property Appraiser for equipment in the amount of $10,389. Provide a copy of said contract.

6) Solid Waste Disposal Operations - Consider the purchase of a trailer instead of the proposed $27,000 for a 4WD flatbed.

7) Drop-Off Facilities - Provide detail of the $14,581 increase in contractual services.

8) Hazardous Waste Management - Provide detail of the $41,270 increase in contractual services.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.





