JUNE 26, 2000

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Friday, June 26, 2000, at 9:00 a.m., at Lake/Sumter Community College, South Lake Campus, Clermont, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Welton G. Cadwell, Chairman; Catherine C. Hanson, Vice Chair; Robert A. Pool; Rhonda H. Gerber; and G. Richard Swartz, Jr. Others present were: Sue Whittle, County Manager; Alvin B. Jackson, Jr., Deputy County Manager; Sanford (Sandy) A. Minkoff, County Attorney; Fletcher Smith, Senior Director, Department of Community Services; Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities & Capital Improvements; Theodore Stone, Senior Director, Emergency Services; Sharon Farrell, Senior Director, Department of Growth Management; Jim Stivender, Jr., Senior Director, Department of Public Works; Treeva Wayne, Department of Public Works; Sarah LaMarche, Senior Director, Fiscal and Administrative Services; Barbara Lehman, Chief Deputy Clerk, County Finance; Wendy Taylor, Administrative Supervisor, Board of County Commissioners' Office; and Marlene S. Foran, Deputy Clerk.

It was noted that a notebook consisting of an agenda and backup material had been distributed prior to the start of the meeting.


Lake County's Ongoing Tenets

Ms. Sue Whittle, County Manager, discussed Lake County's Ongoing Tenets and stated that the tenets were adopted by the Board on an annual basis and the budget has been formulated using the following tenets :


Ms. Whittle stated that the General Fund budget represents a work-in-progress and noted that some of the estimates will not be available until mid-August. She discussed the following major revenues and expenditures to be finalized throughout the summer:

Budget Calendar

Ms. Whittle discussed the Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 2000 and noted that the July 10, 2000 workshop with the Lake County Sheriff's Department would need to be rescheduled. The dates for the budget workshops and public hearings are as follows:

July 6, 2000 (10:00 a.m.) - Tentative workshop with Lake County Sheriff's Department

July 25, 2000 - Set Tentative Millage

September 5, 2000 - First Public Hearing

September 19, 2000 - Final Public Hearing

Lake County Board of County Commissioners General Fund

Ms. Sarah LaMarche, Senior Director, Fiscal and Administrative Services, presented an overview of the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2001. She explained that the shortfall for the projected budget for Fiscal Year 2001, in the amount of $7,461,315, does not include enhancements. She briefly discussed the General Fund Trends for Current Revenues and Current Expenditures Assuming Current Millage Rate, and the Beginning and Ending Fund Balance assuming Current Millage Rate for Fiscal Years 1996 through Estimated 2002. She discussed the Major Sources of Change Fund Revenues Incremental Change over Prior Year and noted a total incremental change for Fiscal Year 2001 in the amount of $2,821,016.

General Fund Activities - Fiscal Year 1999

Ms. LaMarche presented an overview of the General Fund Activities for Fiscal Year 1999 and discussed the Community Investments and the additional amount invested over Fiscal Year 1998. She stated that the subtotal for major increases in use of resources for Community Investments and Statutory Mandates was in the amount of $5,745,000.

Commr. Hanson discussed the investment of assisting and encouraging existing businesses to expand and diversify operations and facilities through the Jobs Growth Incentive Fund and suggested that the Board should focus on those businesses that are going to add to the ad valorem. She requested a copy of the projected income and expenditures for the Christopher C. Ford Industrial (Central) Park Fund.

General Fund Activities - Fiscal Year 2000

Ms. LaMarche presented an overview of the General Fund Activities for Fiscal Year 2000 and discussed the Community Investments and the additional amount invested over Fiscal Year 1999. She stated that the subtotal for major increases in use of resources for Community Investments and Statutory Mandates was in the amount of $8,901,000. She explained that the increase in expenditures over Fiscal Year 1999 was estimated to be $8,560,000, and the $8,901,000 amount plus other increases in costs and the add-back of the Sheriff's revenue decrease, less the $813,000 equals the total expenditure increase of $8,560,000.

General Fund Activities Fiscal Year 2001

Ms. LaMarche presented an overview of the General Fund Activities for Fiscal Year 2001 and discussed the Community Investments and the additional amount invested over Fiscal Year 2000. She stated that the subtotal for major increases in use of resources for Community Investments and Statutory Mandates was in the amount of $5,421,000. She explained that the actual total increase was $2,600,000 and that the difference was a combination of one-time expenditures in Fiscal Year 2000 such as rebudgets, plus cost-cutting efforts made by the BCC departments during the budget process.

General Fund Revenue Detail by Line Item - Fiscal Year 2000 and 2001

Ms. LaMarche presented a brief overview of the General Fund Revenue Detail by Line Item for Fiscal Year 2000 and 2001. She stated that the Beginning Fund Balance for the current year was $18,161,620, and staff was projecting a Beginning Fund Balance for 2001 in the amount of $11,500,000.

General Fund Expenditures by Cost Center Estimates for Carryforward - Fiscal Year 2001

Ms. LaMarche presented a brief overview of the General Fund Expenditures by Cost Center Estimates for Carryforward for Fiscal Year 2001. She stated that she was proposing that the Special Reserve for Fiscal Year 2000, in the amount of $3,200,000, be changed to $4,000,000 for Fiscal Year 2001 to insure that we have a five (5%) percent reserve that will not be spent for any reason during the year.

Requested Enhancements General Fund (Fund 001)

Ms. LaMarche presented an overview of the additional General Fund Enhancements and stated that the total General Fund Enhanced Budget was in the amount of $2,181,323. At this time, Ms. LaMarche addressed questions pertaining to the Stormwater Management (Fund 123), and the Countywide Library System (Fund 690).

Commr. Pool requested an analysis of the dollars spend on non-mandated programs, such as the We Care Program, and those dollars that are statutory mandates by the State.

Commr. Hanson stated that she did not support the Countywide Library System last year because there was no funding source other than contingency. She explained that, while the vote was a good vote for the communities, it was an irresponsible vote without having a funding source in place.


Risk Management "Fast Facts"

Ms. LaMarche presented a Health Insurance update and briefly discussed the "Fast Facts" graphs illustrating medical claims, prescription claims, Worker's Compensation claims, and Worker's Compensation Claims-Dollars as of May 31, 2000. She stated that the Risk Manager has researched over 525 old bills and has sent approximately 70 bills to Robey Barber for processing. She stated that it was estimated that an additional $80,000 will be needed to pay the non-Waterman claims. This brings the total of all claims in excess of the reinsurance amount to $270,000. It was noted that the health care program for this year was within the budgeted amount.

Ms. LaMarche briefly discussed the Employer Health Plan Contribution Analysis, prepared by Wittner National Group, illustrating a comparison of health care costs for Lake County, Brevard County, Orange County, and Marion County.


At 10:35 a.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess and reconvene at 10:55 a.m.


Mr. Jim Stivender, Jr., Senior Director, Department of Public Works, stated that the Department of Public Works has two primary funding sources for road construction and other transportation issues. He explained that the County's capital program, which includes resurfacing roads, purchasing equipment and building roads, was funded eighty (80%) percent through impact fees. At this time, Mr. Stivender made a "Power Point" presentation with the assistance of Ms. Treeva Wayne, Department of Public Works, and discussed the following graphs:

Lake County Public Works Revenue/Expenditure History

Fund Balance - All Other Revenues

Total Expenditure By Category

Commr. Hanson requested that Mr. Stivender make the "Power Point" presentation at a regular Board meeting. She stated that, if the County had a program for addressing the sand and clay roads in the rural areas of Lake County, she would support the five (5) cent gas tax. She requested an analysis of the cost to maintain roads in North East Lake County using the five (5) cent gas tax as a funding source with the remainder going to all County projects.

Mr. Stivender distributed a tentative Emergency Dirt Road Schedule for the Sheriff's Grader and the Public Works Grader, dated June 26, 2000, prioritizing the sand roads to be clayed in the North East Lake County area. He briefly discussed the Emergency Road Program approved at the June 20, 2000 Regular Board Meeting.


Mr. Fletcher Smith, Senior Director, Department of Community Service, presented the tentative budget for Library Services for Fiscal Year 2001 and provided a brief overview of the library costs and millage rates for six branch libraries. He stated that the total cost for the branch libraries for Fiscal Year 2001 was $1,641,056, and the County library cost for Fiscal Year 2001 was, in the amount of $2,979,642, which equates to a County millage rate of 0.44 to fund the total County library costs.

Commr. Pool stated that, if the citizens want the opportunity to have an enhanced and expanded library system, they should be given that opportunity to understand where those dollars are coming from and where they are going to be spent. He stated that he would prefer to see a County millage rate of 0.50 to be used for libraries. Extensive discussion occurred regarding this issue.

It was the direction of the Board to direct staff to move forward with a County millage rate of 0.50 to be included within the Library budget to pay for the library system for Fiscal Year 2001 and Fiscal Year 2002.


Mr. Fletcher Smith, Senior Director, Department of Community Services, presented an overview of the Medical Examiner's budget for Fiscal Year 2001. He stated that the total expenditures for the Office Budget was in the amount of $1,714,335, and the total revenues were $1,714,335. Mr. Smith discussed the Funding Summary, which was based on population, and stated that the Pro Rata Share for Fiscal Year 2001 was $424,383. He stated that the Fiscal Year 2001 Budget represents an increase in the amount of $212,760.


Communications Project Synopsis

Mr. Tad Stone, Senior Director, Emergency Services, stated that the Board appointed a committee, comprised of the primary users, to look at communications issues at the agency level as well as the overall County systems and to develop a plan which would overcome current deficiencies and move the County forward with a standardized communications system. He discussed the major components for a new system as recommended by the Committee, as follows:

1. Develop a radio system that is compatible with existing equipment used in the analog mode.

2. Upgrade the primary systems into digital technology.

3. Allow for the "migration" and upgrade of the existing mobile and portable equipment to work in both analog and digital systems.

4. To have countywide portable coverage on at least two (2) Sheriff's Office frequencies and two (2) Fire/Rescue frequencies that would be seamless to the user and the dispatcher.

5. Keep the system on the VHF radio spectrum.

He stated that a VHF Simulcast System was required for the system to work efficiently and provide the seamless countywide coverage required. This allows for all eight (8) transmitters on a single frequency to operate at one time insuring countywide coverage. He stated that the simulcast technology was a propriety product of Motorola and has worked very well in offering extended coverage. He stated that the Committee was recommending to migrate over a phase process over the next three years. He briefly discussed Phase I, Phase II and Phase III and noted that the cost for the first year was approximately $2,600,000, the second year approximately $1,000,000, and the third year approximately $500,000. He stated that the Committee was requesting permission to move forward with the proposal, and to continue to review the system to assure that the system will meet the County's needs. Mr. Stone addressed questions by the Board and stated that the municipalities have participated in the committee meetings and are in support of the VHF Simulcast System.

It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with the VHF Simulcast System.


At 12:05 p.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for lunch and reconvene at 12:35 p.m.


Dispatch Services for Fire/Rescue and EMS

Mr. Stone stated that, as the discussions of the delivery of Emergency Medical Services comes to an end with the forming of a not for profit corporation, the issues surrounding dispatch services for each agency remains unresolved. There are two (2) options that are considered viable at this point: 1) Separate the dispatch and have Lake County Fire/Rescue provide its own service independent from EMS; or 2) Maintain a consolidated Fire/Rescue and EMS dispatch center.

Option 1: Separate Dispatch Center for Lake County Fire/Rescue

Mr. Stone stated that the Emergency Services staff has reached a consensus with the Lake County Sheriff's Office to co-locate Lake County Fire/Rescue Dispatch Center with the Sheriff's Office Dispatch Center; however, space was limited in the existing Sheriff's Office Dispatch facility and only two (2) positions were available for use. He stated that the use of the Sheriff's Office CAD System would require a software update to accommodate Fire/Rescue.

Option 2: Consolidated Fire/Rescue EMS Dispatch Center

Mr. Stone explained that this option offers a dispatch system similar to what was presently occurring, and allows the center to take advantage of size and the economics of scale regarding manpower and equipment. He stated that the current facility was in a leased property with an annual rent of $42,000 which could be better spent in a government owned facility.


Mr. Stone stated that the proposal was for Emergency Services to assume the operation of dispatch for Lake County Fire/Rescue and EMS using existing personnel and to replace the CAD System as soon as possible. Staff will remain in the existing facility and will eventually migrate over to Building H, currently the Health Department, and the cost of this recommendation was $1,199,950. He stated that the recommendation was also to work toward an overall consolidated Dispatch Center which will house the Sheriff's Office, Lake County Fire/Rescue and EMS, and also function as an after hours clearing house for other County departments and business. He noted that discussions were continuing with the Sheriff's Office to explore options available in existing facilities.

It was the decision of the Board to move forward with the recommendations presented by Mr. Stone.


Cost to Implement New Merit Plan

Ms. LaMarche discussed the cost to implement a new merit plan based on midpoint of salary range and noted that the dollar amounts were only estimates. She stated that the cost to bring the employees to minimum of range was estimated at $338,084 based on salaries one year ago, and would be approximately $800,000 over and above what has been budgeted. She stated that the general assumption, based on the Salary Study, was a cost at midpoint of $19,784,085. She noted that the standard 4.5% has been included in the budget.

It was the consensus of the Board to bring the new merit plan to the minimum the first year and implement the balance in the second year.

Post Employment Health Plan

Ms. LaMarche discussed the implementation of a Post Employment Health Plan and explained that there were many ways in which to fund this plan. She discussed the scenarios available and stated that the dollar amounts shown were based on 1% of salaries plus the amount of sick leave that would have been paid to the employee upon termination. She noted that there would be a $35 administration fee per employee. She briefly discussed the benefits to the employee.

It was the consensus of the Board to add the Post Employment Health Plan to the County's Health Plan.

Deferred Compensation Match Program

It was noted that the discussion on the cost to implement a Deferred Compensation Match Program would be brought back to the Board at a later date.


Mr. Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities and Capital Improvements, stated that he has reviewed previous direction from the Board pertaining to the relocation of the fairgrounds to the landfill site on Highway 561, and it was his assumption that the Board was still committed to moving forward with the relocation to the landfill. He stated that the costs associated with the relocation of the fairgrounds would be brought back to the Board.


Mr. Mike Anderson presented the Proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2001 - 2005 for Community Services; Facilities and Capital Improvements - Parks and Recreation Division; Agricultural Education Services; Facilities and Capital Improvements - General Fund; Facilities and Capital Improvements - General Government Buildings; Fiscal and Administrative Services; Emergency Services; Public Works; Solid Waste Management; Clerk of Courts; Tax Collector; Supervisor of Elections; and State Attorney and Public Defender; and Sheriff.

Mr. Fletcher Smith, Senior Director, Department of Community Services, presented the capital projects for Community Services, which was comprised of Library Services, Health Services, Probation and the Community Development Block Grants for Lake Kathryn Street Paving and other street paving, for Fiscal Year 2000/2001, for a total of $3,884,675 in capital projects.

Discussion occurred regarding the leasing of property for the County Health Clinic; at which time, Commr. Hanson stated that she was hesitant to move forward with a County Health Clinic until the implementation of the indigent health care program. She stated the County Health Clinic should be located along with the proposed indigent and uninsured health clinics. She expressed concern with renovation for a short period of time.

It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with the Health Clinic needs keeping the renovation costs at a minimum.


Mr. Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities and Capital Improvements, presented the discussion on the PEAR (Palatlakaha Environmental Agricultural Reserve) project and directed the Board's attention to a report from Nadine Foley, Chairman, PEAR Committee. He stated that the PEAR project was assuming all control of the use of the property, and the County will assume responsibility for operations, improvements and maintenance required at the Leesburg site, and will pay the lease on the property. He stated that the PEAR Committee, with the advice of Bob Stevens, Parks and Recreation Director, will provide an estimate of the cost of the project so it can be included in the budget.

Commr. Swartz suggested that the Board establish a new committee under Parks and Recreation to bring forth a recommendation to the Board on an operations and working plan with one or more members of the PEAR Committee appointed to serve on the committee.

Commr. Cadwell directed Mr. Sandy Minkoff, County Attorney, to prepare a draft resolution creating a committee for the PEAR Project under Parks and Recreation with a current PEAR Committee member to serve on the committee.


Mr. Anderson presented the capital projects for Facilities and Capital Improvements - Parks and Recreation Division , comprised of Parks & Recreation; Boating Improvements; Parks Capital; Parks Services; for Fiscal Year 2000-2001, in the amount of $2,488,885. He stated that "annual grants for recreation development", in the amount of $200,000; and "Regional Municipal Parks", in the amount of $150,000, were grant programs paid out of Infrastructure Sales Tax revenue, and noted that the Board will need to determine whether to support these programs after Year 2002 when the Infrastructure Sales Tax is no longer available. He noted that the County was proceeding with the "Lake Idamere Park" project, in the amount of $1,187,585, and the conceptual plans will be brought back to the Board for review.

Mr. Anderson presented the capital projects for Agricultural Education Services, comprised of the Cooperative Extension and the Horticultural Learning Center for Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002, in the amount of $570,000, and noted that the "exterior elevation/expansion" was scheduled for next year.

Mr. Anderson noted that there were no new capital projects listed for Facilities and Capital Improvements - General Fund or General Government Buildings for Fiscal Year 2000-2001.

Ms. Sarah LaMarche, Senior Director, Fiscal and Administrative Services, presented the capital projects for Fiscal and Administrative Services, comprised of Information Technology and Geographic Information System for Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001, in the amount of $498,550. She noted that the "Document Imaging System" has been placed in the Enhanced Budget to possibly be paid out of the Infrastructure Sales Tax. She stated that there was a substantial request in Fiscal Year 2002 for "Digital Ortho Photography" at a cost of $300,000.

Mr. Tad Stone, Senior Director, Emergency Services, presented the capital projects for Emergency Services, comprised of Animal Control, and Fire/Rescue for Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001, in the amount of $2,185,000, and noted that there were no changes over last year.

Mr. Jim Stivender, Jr., Senior Director, Department of Public Works, presented the capital projects for Public Works, comprised of Road Operations, Fleet, Engineering, Special Services, and Mosquito and Aquatic Control, for Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001, in the amount of $7,337,000. He noted, under "Road Construction & Improvements", that a higher percentage of total capital was coming out of Road Impact Fees.

Mr. Stivender presented the capital projects for Solid Waste Management, comprised of Impact Center; Scales; Scales, Operation, Recycling; and Waste Management Facility Operations, for Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001, in the amount of $278,000. He noted that the capital projects were basically replacement of equipment.

Ms. Sarah LaMarche, Senior Director, Fiscal and Administrative Services, presented the capital projects for Clerk of Courts, comprised of Administration, for Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001, in the amount of $162,000. She noted that $250,000 has been included in the budget for Fiscal Year 2001 - 2002 for BCC Finance Software.


Office of Elder Affairs

Ms. Sue Whittle, County Manager, presented the Office of Elder Affairs budget for Fiscal Year 2001, in the amount of $146,131, and briefly discussed the Elder Affairs program to enhance the level of services available in Lake County. She stated that, if it is determined that it was in the County's best interest to move forward with our own department, we would anticipate that it would be funded by the funds that are currently designated under the acts for Elder Affairs in Lake County.

Television Operations

Ms. Whittle stated that a TV Operations Team was established for the purpose of determining Lake County's broadcast capability from the Board Meeting Room. She stated that the objectives were to gather information regarding the future direction of Lake County Government Television and to formulate a consensus to develop a five-year plan for Lake County Television.

Ms. Wendy Taylor, Administrative Supervisor, Board of County Commissioners' Office, presented a video tape prepared by the TV Operations Team illustrating a comparison of Lake County's Board meetings with those in Hillsborough County, Orange County, City of Clearwater, and Pinellas County.

Ms. Whittle stated that the next step was permission from the Board to move forward with a professional assessment. She noted that funding would be included in next year's budget to pay for an assessment which would help to develop the five-year television plan.

Commr. Hanson stated that she would support moving forward with a professional assessment. She noted that the current lighting and the location of the television cameras were a problem. She suggested that two screens at the back of the room would allow the Commissioners to look up rather than down at the monitors.

It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with a professional assessment and a five-year plan for Lake County Television.

Impact Fee RFP Status

Ms. LaMarche presented the status on the Impact Fee Request for Proposal (RFP) and stated that staff has reviewed the RFP for impact fees, a team of citizens was currently reviewing the RFP and team comments are due on July 10, 2000. The RFP should be out by July 15, 2000.


Mr. Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities and Capital Improvements, presented a site plan illustrating the expansion of the Judicial Center to the south side along Main Street. He stated that the architect has indicated that a four story parking garage could be located to the north along Old Highway 441. The four story parking garage would provide for 800 cars parked in a structured parking lot with 200 cars parked on the site. He briefly discussed the design layout, and noted that one option may be to look at the Lake Region Packing Plant in conjunction with the City of Tavares if said property becomes available.


Mr. Jim Stivender, Jr., Senior Director, Department of Public Works, briefly discussed an expanded Level of Service for the Aquatic Plant Management Program in Lake County which includes the following priority options:

Priority Level 1

Priority Level 2

Total Cost: $105,000 for Fiscal Year 2002 - 2003.

Discussion occurred regarding the funding for an expanded level of service for Aquatic Plant Management; at which time Commr. Pool suggested a partnership with the Lake County Water Authority as a funding option. It was the direction of the Board to not include the expanded Level of Service for the Aquatic Plant Management Program in Lake County, at this time, with the understanding that staff could bring this issue back to the Board.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

__________________________________ WELTON G. CADWELL, CHAIRMAN



