MONDAY – August 14, 1969

The Board of County Commissioners of Lake County, Florida, met in special session on Thursday, August 14, 1969 in the County Commissioners’ Room in the Courthouse, in Tavares, Florida, ,  at 10:00 o’clock A.M. for the purpose of enacting Chapter 193.201 and sitting as a County Agricultural Zoning Board.  Commissioner Macdonell was absent.

The Chairman called the meeting to order with the following members present:  Commissioner Thomas J. Windram, Chairman; Commissioners James R. Carson, Jr., J. M. Hoskinson, and Kenneth VanAuken; Tax Assessor R. G. Cassady, County Agricultural Agent Jackson Haddox, County Attorney Carl Duncan, Clerk of the Circuit Court Frank E. Owens and  Deputy Clerk Norma H. Coven.

tax assessments

Mr. Cassady explained he has denied a request for homestead exemption from Ernest P. Kidd, who is now employed as City Manager for the City of Saint Augustine.  Denied the request on the grounds that he must remain in Saint Augustine to attend to his job.  Commissioner Carson moved that the recommendation and action of the Tax Assessor be upheld and the request for homestead be denied.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hoskinson and carried.

Mr. Cassady presented application from John C. Hierholzer for agricultural classification on seven acres of native woods in Ravenswood Subdivision.  Mr. Cassady explained there is nothing planted on the property and the owner has been advised by the Forestry Department to let the land seed itself.  Mr. Haddox said the owner must work the land and derive a certain amount of income from it in order for the land to be classified agricultural.  On motion of Commissioner Carson seconded by Commissioner VanAuken, the request was denied.

Mr. Cassady presented application from Howard J. Simpson for agricultural classification on property located on U. S. Highway 441 in 20-19-27.  He informed the Board the property has been fenced and cattle is on the property and recommends that same be classified pasture land.  The Assessor’s recommendation was accepted and approved and assessment reduced from $30,000 to $8,000 on motion of Commissioner Carson seconded by Commissioner Hoskinson and carried.


Dr. Hall, Health Department Director, appeared relative to bids on furnishings for the Tavares Health Center and stated the furnishings will be paid from funds on deposit in Jacksonville.

On recommendation of Dr. Hall and on motion of Commissioner Hoskinson seconded by Commissioner Carson and carried, the following bids were accepted:

            Lake Office Equipment, Incorporated items amounting to $4,144.00

            Simons Office Equipment, Incorporated items amounting to $4,238.11

            Medical Supply Company items amounting to $1,618.92


accounts allowed

On motion of Commissioner Carson seconded by Commissioner Hoskinson and carried, the Clerk was authorized to pay to the State $602.00 for Motor Vehicle Inspection delinquent fees.

Matching funds for retirement and social security for the Small Claims Judge were approved on motion of Commissioner Hoskinson seconded by Commissioner Carson and carried.

Transportation charges of $40 were approved to send incompetent person to Saint Louis, Missouri on order of the County Judge, on motion of Commissioner VanAuken seconded by Commissioner Carson and carried.


Clerk Owens advised the Florida Telephone Corporation wishes to retain the key to the lobby door of the Courthouse to enable repairmen to enter the basement when the building is closed to make necessary repairs.  The request was approved provided the Telephone Corporation will be responsible for any loss or damage incurred from such entry.


There being no further business to bring before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 12:45 o’clock P.M.


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CLERK                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CHAIRMAN