JUNE 30, 1981

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in Special Session on Tuesday, June 30, 1981, at 2:00 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioners' Meeting Room, Courthouse, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present were: Glenn C. Burhans, Chairman; Thomas J. Windram; Claude Smoak; James R. Carson, Jr.; and C. A. "Lex" Deems. Others present were: James C. Watkins, Clerk; Don Smalt, Executive Assistant: Bill LeHeup, Senior Clerk; and

Cathy Roy, Secretary.


In a general discussion by the Board a question had been raised in an earlier workshop by Commr. Windram concerning the possibility of the Lake County Water Authority supporting the entire budget request of $20,500. Commr . Carson explained that the Water Authority had met and discussed this possibility but stated they wish to continue the practice of the Lake County Board of County Commissioners supporting one-half of the proposed $20,500 budget. The Board tentatively agreed to approve the $10,250 portion of the budget from the Board of County Commissioners.



In response to a question raised at the previous budget workshop by Commr. Windram concerning the Upper Palatlakaha Comprehensive Water Study being funded from Florida Boating Improvement Funds, it was determined through Jerry Sexton, Planning and Zoning, that the Funds can only be released for those projects that will directly serve to improve boating as a recreational activity.


Commr . Deems stated that questions raised by the Board concerning the items requested for the Medical Examiner's Budget had not been fully resolved in a meeting that was held between Commr. Deems, Chris Ford, County Attorney and Dr. Schutze, which had been held prior to the Budget Workshop. Commr . Deems stated that another meeting would be scheduled to resolve these questions and this item was deferred until such time as Commr . Deems and Chris Ford can meet with Dr. Schutze and report back to the Board.


Discussion was held to determine whether or not approving 1.457 mills (millage approved last budget year) would generate enough funds to cover the increased dollar figure requested by by the Health Department. Don Smalt, Executive Assistant, stated that he felt keeping the millage the same as the previous year would generate adequate funds and it was tentatively approved that the millage would be kept at 1.457.


The Board requested that the following questions be answered prior to taking any action concerning the budgets for the N.E. and N.W. Lake County Hospital District Ambulance Service:

1 . Amount of calls responded to broken down into emergency

and non-emergency categories.

2 . Average miles traveled per call.

3 . Fee Schedule for emergency, non-emergency and out of

County calls.

4 . Estimated Fee Schedule needed to cover actual cost

of emergency, non-emergency and out of County calls.

Commr . Carson stated that he was presently having a study done showing the breakdown of funds as used to purchase equipment and the distribution of such equipment should either the N.E. or N.W. Lake County Hospital District Ambulance Service discontinue services.


The subject was raised of an Expenses and Supplies Form submitted by the Sheriff's Department showing a deficit in the amount of $146,506.14 for the 1980-81 Budget Year. The Board requested that the Clerk go over this item with Sheriff Griffin to determine the reason for the discrepancy between the deficit of $4,000 computed by the Clerk's Office and the $146,506.14 submitted by Sheriff Griffin. Mr. Watkins stated that his office would meet with Sheriff Griffin and report back to the Board during their regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 1981.


Mr. Watkins requested that the Board set a date to discuss the County Salaries and New Positions. It was agreed that a Budget Workshop would be scheduled for July 23, 1981, at 9:00 a.m., and at that time the Board would consider the County Salaries and New Positions to be presented by Glenn Timmons, Personnel Director.


The Board tentatively approved to increase last year's Sheriff's Budget by $650,000. The Board tentatively approved these increases in the areas of:

1 . New Automobiles

2 . Six (6) New Deputies plus Equipment

3 . Four (4) Correctional Officers

4 . Salary Adjustments and Increases

5 . Difference to be distributed in cooperation

between the Sheriff and the Commission.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Carson and unanimously approved, the Board tentatively approved the above listed increases for the Sheriff's Budget. Commr. Smoak requested that the record reflect that this was not official action of the Board as this was only a Budget Workshop and no official action can be taken; however, that the above figures give a firm indication of the Boards' standing concerning the Sheriff's Budget Increases.

The Clerk stated that a letter would be written by his office and submitted to the Board for their approval to be sent to Sheriff Griffin advising him of the tentative approval of a $650,000 increase for the 1981-82 Budget.

James C. Watkins, Clerk, confirmed that remaining budget items would be covered in a Budget Workshop scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 1981, at 9:00 a.m., with the exception of the Sheriff's Budget which would be discussed at the regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 7, 1981, at 9:00 a.m.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Glenn C. Burhans, Chairman

James C. Watkins, Clerk

7/2/81 cbr