JULY 22, 1987

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Wednesday, July 22, 1987 at 9:00 a.m. in the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting Room, Lake County Courthouse, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Thomas J. Windram, Chairman: Glenn C. Burhans; Claude E. Smoak, Jr.: James R. Carson, Jr.: and C. A. "Lex" Deems. Others present were: Michael C. Willett, County Administrator: Katherine A. McDonald, County Administrator's Assistant; Robert L. Wilson, Finance Director; Donald Smalt, Budget Analyst, and Sandra Carter, Deputy Clerk.


Mr. Bob Wilson, Finance Director, informed the Board that the Expenditure Detail, which the Board has for reference, is outdated. He referred the Board to a printout, entitled Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 1987-88, which he stated is a balanced recap of all the expenditures and revenues, up to date.

He stated that his office had not received, in writing, the revenue estimates from the State of Florida; however, via telephone, his department had gotten most of the numbers.

He then referred to a five page report, Revenues by Source for Fiscal Year 1987-88, giving the expected revenues for FY 1987-88. He stated that the sales tax estimate, from the State, is $3,452,400.00, as shown on Page 2 of said report. With the balances expected to be brought forward, of $21,132,332.00, this budget is $61,386,177.00. To fund the total budget, it would take $12,705,993.00 worth of ad valorem taxes. To fund the twelve million dollars, would take a millage of 4.049 countywide; one mill for the Northeast Hospital: and .189 mills for both the Northeast and Northwest Ambulance Districts. The two ambulance districts is actually a reduction over last year's millage by .3 percent and an increase countywide by 19.1 percent. It is an increase over the rollback rate of 21.4 percent. He stated that the appropriation side is the summation of departmental requests, and is susceptible to change. He requested that a tentative millage rate be set, in order to advise the Property Appraiser and hold the tentative Budget Meeting, September 8, 1987, adopting the millage rate; and on September 22, 1987, hold the final Budget Meeting. Whatever millage rate is set at this meeting is the rate that will be on the tax notices.

Commr. Carson referred to the Expenditure Budget Projection for

FY 1987-88, Budget Detail by Fund, showing total expenditures of approximately $56,000,000.00, and questioned Mr. Wilson as to how he came up with a figure of $61,000,000.00 - a difference of $5,000,000.00.

Mr. Wilson stated that the Expenditure Budget Projection printout which Commr. Carson was referring to was outdated and he did not believe that the fire district's figures had been included in the total amount. He stated that an up-to-date printout would be furnished to the Commissioners.

Mr. Wilson stated that he had not dealt with the Appropriations aspect of the budget that closely, as that section of the budget is a product of Mr. Smalt, Budget Analyst; Mr. Willett, County Administrator: and Kathy McDonald, County Administrator's Assistant; however, he knows that it, as well as the Revenues aspect, is balanced and that the millage rate is determined on what the Appropriations aspect requires. As figures have come in from the departments, they have been put into this budget projection package on the Appropriations side, and that anything and everything that was requested is covered.

Discussion occurred regarding the commissions that are paid to the Property Appraiser and what funds they come out of, as well as some monies appropriated to the Sheriff's Office last year to purchase some vehicles, which was not utilized. Therefore, said monies were returned to the Board and then later requested again, in order that the vehicles could be purchased.

The Board asked Mr. Wilson to check on the purchase of the vehicles and how the monies were appropriated, and bring back an answer to the Board at the next budget meeting.

Commr. Smoak stated that he recalled that the Sheriff had told the Board that he would not be able to purchase said vehicles at one of the budget meetings; therefore, the budget for the following fiscal year was increased to include the purchase of said vehicles, but did not include in the budgetary considerations for this year the half million dollars which the Sheriff was going to turn back in. It was not a Revenue item in the Board's budgetary consideration. In the Board's budgetary consideration for FY 1985-86, the Board arrived at a millage rate, including the purchase of the vehicles by the Sheriff's Department; however, did not put said monies back into the budget, as expected excess fees, so it was put back into the millage figure a second time for this year.

Board requested the County Administrator, Mike Willett, to go through this budget thoroughly and come back with what would be considered a "bare bones" budget, in terms of his departments and operations: asked Bob Wilson and Don Smalt to do the same in the Clerk's Office; and asked that it be requested from the constitutional officers, the information which the Board will need, to come up with an absolute millage number; and that the Board meet again, prior to the deadline, to adopt the tentative millage number and try to come up with a number that the County Administrator feels comfortable in operating with, as he is the person which the Board has charged, basically, to give the Board some sense of direction in that regard.

Water Authority

Discussion occurred regarding funding for submerged aquatic weed control in Lake County ($400,000.00) and as to whether it should be a part of the budget or not. Commr. Smoak stated he feels that this item should not be part of the budget.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Smoak and carried unanimously, the Board approved for the submerged aquatic weed control item to be struck from the budget and continue to contract with the Water Authority.


A brief discussion occurred regarding pay increases. The County Administrator, Mike Willett, stated that the average increase will probably be in the neighborhood of 7 l/2-8%; however, some people will receive 12-13%, while others will only receive 5-6%. He stated that there are several ways to approach the increases: (1), to redo the cost estimates; and (2), go over some budget estimates, particularly those for monies to be collected this year. This will give the County approximately $300,000.00 additional monies to work with.

No action taken.

Sheriff's Department

A brief discussion occurred regarding a request by the Sheriff's Department for three (3) school crossing guards and one (1) fill-in school crossing guard, at a total cost of $12,520.00.

No action taken.


A brief discussion occurred regarding last year's millage rate, as well as this year's rate. Commr. Smoak stated that the County had about a 9% increase in total evaluation. If the millage rate is kept the same, then the County will have a built-in 9% increase in dollars.

On a motion by Commr. Smoak, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board approved to adopt a millage rate not to exceed last year's gross millage rate of 3.4 mills. It was noted that said millage rate may be lowered at a later date but cannot be raised.


Discussion occurred regarding an ordinance levying a discretionary sales surtax of 20% of any tax paid to the State, pursuant to Chapter 212 of the Florida Statutes.

Commr. Carson brought to the attention of the Board the fact that he had requested the County Attorney's Office to add the following statement "and any land acquisition, land improvement, design and engineering costs related thereto", or something to that effect, to the referendum, in order to let the public know that some of this tax money could possibly be used for land acquisition for a landfill.

Discussion occurred regarding the need to simplify the language, regarding the referendum, in order that the general public can more readily understand it.

The Board requested Commr. Smoak to meet with Sandy Minkoff, Assistant County Attorney, and come up with more understandable language.

Discussion occurred regarding what date should be set for the referendum question to be put before the public for a vote.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Burhans and carried unanimously, the Board approved to place the referendum on the November 3, 1987 ballot for a vote, subject to the addition of language as determined by Commr. Smoak and Sandy Minkoff, Assistant County Attorney.

It was clarified, for the record, that the intent of the motion is for the referendum to be advertised, by title only, for the August 18, 1987 Board Meeting.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.



