SEPTEMBER 20, 1988

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, September 20, 1988, at 5:05 p.m., in the Board of County Commissioner's Meeting Room, Lake County Courthouse, Tavares, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: Glenn C. Burhans, Chairman; Thomas J. Windram; James R. Carson, Jr.: and Don Bailey. Others present were: Christopher C. Ford, County Attorney; Michael C. Willett, County Administrator; Katherine A. McDonald, Assistant County Administrator; Bob McKee, Chief Deputy Clerk; Don Smalt, Budget Analyst and Sandra Carter, Deputy Clerk.


At 5:05 p.m. the Chairman announced that the advertised time had arrived for the public hearing on the final adoption of Lake County's budget for 1988-89.

Federal Revenue Sharing

No one present wished to discuss the Federal Revenue Sharing budget with the Board.

The Federal Revenue Sharing figures are as follows:

Library $ 103,000.00

Old Courthouse 100,000.00

Recreation 329,750.00

Total $ 532,750.00

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board adopted the Federal Revenue Sharing budget for 1988-89, in the amount of $532,750.00.

Lake County's 1988-89 Budget

Commr. Burhans informed those present that the tentative millage for the total County budget was 3.800 mills.

Mr. George Measel, Umatilla, appeared before the Board stating that he was present today to discuss the tentative millage for Lake County, due to an article he had read in the newspaper indicating that there would be a 16.9% increase in taxes. He stated that he had researched and found that 30-40% of taxpayers in Lake County pay no taxes, and felt this should merit some consideration.

Mr. Bill Austin, Umatilla, appeared before the Board and reiterated what Mr. Measel had said, stating that he feels the same way, and suggested taxing the first $25,000.00, for homeowners.

Ms. Marjorie Millen, Mt. Plymouth, appeared before the Board and questioned as to whether she had misunderstood about the one-cent sales tax. She was under the impression that passage of said tax was to keep property taxes from going up.

Mr. Robert Lanham, appeared before the Board stating that he has been a resident of Lake County for nine years, and to the best of his recollection, has seen taxes increased every year, for one reason or another.

Commr. Burhans informed those present that all departments were asked to cut their budgets by 2%. All departments complied, with exception of the Sheriff's Department.

At this time, Commr. Burhans suggested transferring 2% from the Sheriff's overall budget to the Countywide Contingency Fund, for use at a later date.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved to transfer 2% from the Sheriff's overall budget to the Countywide Contingency Fund.

Commr. Burhans informed those present that the tentative millage for the total county budget was 3.800 mills, which was a 15.9% increase over the rolled back millage. He stated that the total tentative budget for 1988-89 was in the amount of $108,443,019.00.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board adopted the Lake County Budget for fiscal year 1988-89, in the amount of $108,443,019.00, as amended, and adopted a final millage rate of 3.800 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-100, in full, setting the Lake County millage rate at 3.800 mills.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-100, adopting the Lake County millage rate, for fiscal year 1988-89, at 3.800 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-104, adopting the Lake County final budget for fiscal year 1988-89.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-104, adopting the Lake County final budget for fiscal year 1988-89, as amended, in the amount of $108,443,019.00.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved the following amendments to the 1988-89 overall budget:





0Ol-8-519-230-1-60-12-010 LIFE & HEALTH INS $ 4,100 $

001-8-599-999-1-00-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 4,100)


001-8-562-640-1-03-33-000 EQUIPMENT 12,000

001-8-599-999-1-00-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 12,000)


001-8-537-640-1-04-45-100 EQUIPMENT 42,000

001-8-599-999-1-00-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 42,000)


001-8-537-640-1-04-45-710 EQUIPMENT 16,000

001-8-599-999-1-00-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 16,000)

$ 74,100 $ ( 74,000)



111-8-516-120-1-00-52-080 SALARY $ 1,850

111-8-516-210-1-00-52-080 FICA 137

111-8-516-230-1-00-52-080 LIFE & HEALTH INS. 300

111-8-599-999-1-00-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 2,287)

$ 2,287 $ ( 2,287)


161-8-522-120-1-10-66-010 SALARY $ 2,310

161-8-522-210-1-10-66-010 FICA 174

161-8-522-220-1-10-66-010 RETIREMENT 380

161-8-599-999-1-10-99-000 CONTINGENCY ( 2,864)

$ 2,864 $ ( 2,864)


420-E-534-340-1-01-63-630 CONTRACTED SERVICE $ 8,000

420-8-534-520-l-01-63-630 OPERATING SUPPLIES ( 8,000)

420-8-534-640-l-01-63-630 EQUIPMENT 130,000

420-8-599-999-l-01-99-000 CONTINGENCY (130,000)

$138,000 $ (138,000)

Northeast Hospital Budget

No one present wished to discuss the Northeast Hospital Budget with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Windram, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board adopted the millage rate for the Northeast Hospital District at 1.000 mills, which is a 3.4% increase over rolled back millage.

Commr. Burhans informed those present that the total tentative budget for the Northeast Hospital District is $1,226,966.00.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-101, adopting the millage rate for the Northeast Hospital District at 1.000 mills, for fiscal year 1988-89.

On a motion by Commr. Bailey, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-101, adopting the millage rate for the Northeast Hospital District at 1.000 mills, for fiscal year 1988-89.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-107, adopting the final budget for the Northeast Hospital District, for fiscal year 1988-89.

On a motion by Commr. Bailey, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-107, adopting the final budget for the Northeast Hospital District, for fiscal year 1988-89, in the amount of $1,226,966.00.

Northeast Ambulance Budget

Commr. Burhans informed those present that the tentative millage rate for the Northeast Ambulance District was 0.223 mills, a 22.5% increase over the rolled back millage, with a total budget in the amount of $298,636.00.

No one present wished to discuss the Northeast Ambulance Budget with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Bailey, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board adopted the millage rate for the Northeast Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-102, adopting the millage rate for the Northeast Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

On a motion by Commr. Bailey, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-102, adopting the millage rate for the Northeast Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-105, adopting the final budget for the Northeast Ambulance District, for fiscal year 1988-89.

On a motion by Commr. Bailey, seconded by Commr. Carson and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-105, adopting the final budget for the Northeast Ambulance District, for fiscal year 1988-89, in the amount of $298,636.00.

Northwest Ambulance Budget

Commr. Burhans informed those present that the tentative millage rate for the Northwest Ambulance District is 0.223 mills, with a 23.2% increase over the rolled back millage, with a total budget in the amount of $265,843.00.

No one present wished to discuss the Northwest Ambulance Budget with the Board.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board adopted the millage rate for the Northwest Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-103, adopting the millage rate for the Northwest Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-103, adopting the millage rate for the Northwest Ambulance District at 0.223 mills.

At this time, the County Attorney, Chris Ford, read Resolution 1988-106, adopting the final budget for the Northwest Ambulance District, for fiscal year 1988-89.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on Resolution 1988-106, adopting the final budget for the Northwest Ambulance District, for fiscal year 1988-89, in the amount of $265,843.00.


Petition No 525 - Lady Lake Cemetery Assn. & Charles or Mary

Warax - Lady Lake Area

Commr. Carson brought to the attention of the Board a request to advertise Petition No. 525, by the Lady Lake Cemetery Association and Charles or Mary Warax, to vacate Old Oxford Road, in the Lee and Stevens Addition to Lady Lake, in the Lady Lake area. He stated that staff has recommended approval.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved the request to advertise the vacating of Old Oxford Road, in Lady Lake, as stated above.


The County Attorney, Chris Ford, brought to the attention of the Board a contract between Ms. Emily Goodwin and the County, for the purchase of a piece of property located at 121 South Bloxham, in Tavares, in the amount of $39,000.00, in conjunction with the new Criminal Justice/Jail Facility.

On a motion by Commr. Carson, seconded by Commr. Bailey and carried unanimously, the Board approved and authorized proper signatures on the contract between Ms. Emily Goodwin and the County, in the amount of $39,000.00, for the purchase of property located in Tavares, as stated above.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m.



