DECEMBER 10, 1996

The Lake County Board of County Commissioners met in special session on Tuesday, December 10, 1996 at 9:00 a.m., at the Fruitland Park Casino, Fruitland Park, Florida. Commissioners present at the meeting were: William "Bill" H. Good, Chairman; G. Richard Swartz, Vice Chairman; Catherine C. Hanson; Welton G. Cadwell; and Rhonda H. Gerber. Others present were: Sandy A. Minkoff, County Attorney; Sue B. Whittle, County Manager; Alvin Jackson, Assistant County Manager; Ava Kronz, Director of Continuance Quality Improvement; Sharon Farrell, Senior Director, Department of Growth Management; Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities & Capital Improvements; Jim Stivender, Jr., Senior Director, Public Works; Fletcher Smith, Senior Director, Community Services; Craig Haun, Senior Director, Fire & Emergency Services; Donald Post, Senior Director, Solid Waste Management Services; Sarah LaMarche, Budget Director; Barbara Lehman, Chief Deputy Clerk; and Marlene S. Foran, Deputy Clerk.

It was noted that a packet of information and an agenda had been distributed prior to the start of the meeting. Commr. Swartz briefly discussed the history of the Fruitland Park Casino.


Capital Improvement Plan

Lines of Credit

Ms. Sue Whittle, County Manager, presented the discussion on the proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 1997 - 2001.

Ms. Barbara Lehman, Chief Deputy Clerk, provided an update on the Solid Waste Line of Credit and explain that on December 3, 1996 the Board approve the refinancing of the first $10,000,000.00 borrowed in December 1993 and, at the request of the Board, a two year extension on the Line of Credit has been accomplished. She stated that the note has been extended to December 1, 1998 at interest only and at the same terms as the previous note. She stated that the documents were being reviewed, and the executed documents would be delivered to the bank on December 13, 1996. She explained that the $9,000,000.00 refinancing must occur after fifteen (15) days from the first, and a resolution would be presented to the Board for approval of a two year extension on December 17, 1996, in the amount of $7,500,000.00, after a $1,500,000.00 payment.

Ms. Whittle stated that the Board has been considering paying down the Solid Waste Line of Credit with Infrastructure Sales Tax and directed the Board's attention to Infrastructure Sales Tax Projects 1997 - 2002. At this time, Ms. Sarah LaMarche, Budget Director, briefly discussed the Infrastructure Sales Tax Projects.

Ms. Lehman distributed a list of scenarios illustrating payback cost using various terms and interest rates and assuming a monthly payment of interest and principal.

Ms. Whittle stated that it was her understanding that the intention of the Board was to convert the line of credit at some point into a longer term more manageable obligation.

Commr. Swartz stated that we need to develop a plan that looks at funding availability, revenues from Solid Waste, and revenues from infrastructure sales tax.

Ms. Whittle stated that the direction from the Board was to look at various scenarios, a combination of using some infrastructure sales tax and revenues from the Solid Waste system and project out over a reasonable period of time to find a way to get this repaid.

Mr. Don Post, Senior Director, Solid Waste Management Services, informed the Board that he would be making a presentation to the Solid Waste Citizens Committee in January on establishing the frame work for a commercial baseline assessment program which would lower the tipping fee by virtue of all businesses contributing to the actual disposal cost of commercial solid waste.

Ms. Lehman stated that the Line of Credit for Capital Improvements was divided between the Industrial Park Fund, and the Capital Improvements Fund and that the interest was paid out of those funds.


Ms. Whittle directed that Board's attention to a memorandum dated October 25, 1996, from Ms. Barbara Lehman, regarding Travel Policy and Procedures and explained that the draft travel policy delegates authority from the Board to the County Manager for the approval of travel, provides the County Manager the authority to establish travel procedures, and authorizes each Commissioner to incur travel expenses up to the amount budgeted for such expenses for each year. She also explained that the former Travel Policy has been renamed Travel Procedures. Discussion occurred in regard to the Travel Policy as it relates to travel by the individual Commissioners.

Ms. Lehman distributed a copy of the Investment Policy, which was adopted in July 1994 and amended in 1995 to comply with Florida Statutes. She explained that the amendment to the Investment Policy would allow the County to place funds for investment with an investment manager who would be required to follow the investment policy as it pertains to authorized investments, diversification of portfolio, maturity, and return on investments. She explained that the amount of funds to be placed with an investment manager would be based on cash flow needs at the time. She stated that First Union Bank has made a presentation to the Investment Committee and indicated that the yield on the investments they would be managing would be higher than the present rate.

Ms. Lehman stated that she was in the process of drafting a debt policy that would require a review and provide a better opportunity to analyze and make a decision on when to enter into long term debt.


At 10:30 a.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for five minutes, and reconvene at 10:35 a.m.


At this time, a copy of Destination Excellence was distributed to those present, and Mr. Alvin Jackson, Assistant County Manager, presented the Destination Excellence program.

Mike Anderson, Senior Director, Facilities & Capital Improvements, stated that Destination Excellence becomes a natural progression and staff has chosen to take the Florida Governor Sterling Challenge, which was a recognition for the County, quality of service to the community, customer service at our work place, and leadership within our staff and elected officials. He stated that the ultimate Sterling Challenge was to complete the self assessment, plan strategies for the future, and apply for The Sterling Challenge award. He stated that they were present today to start the journey to take The Sterling Challenge and the destination was excellence.

Ms. Ava Kronz, Director of Continuance Quality Improvement, provided an illustration of the seven steps to The Sterling Challenge and explained that the Sterling Team has set out a plan to accomplish this major task. She stated that training begins with the Board and senior staff and that the Senior Team would begin reviewing the environment, analyzing our strengths, weakness, and opportunities. She explained that we would be required to invest in our work force in areas such as education, training, and opportunities for growth. At this time, she discussed the Maintenance of Leadership System.

Mr. Craig Haun, Senior Director, Fire and Emergency Management, briefly discussed others involved in The Sterling Challenge and noted that only two government entities have been Sterling Award recipients since 1993. He stated that Lake County has the leadership, the knowledge, and the ability to overcome the road blocks and launch Destination Excellence.

At this time, staff addressed questions pertaining to The Sterling Challenge. Ms. Kronz discussed the eternal vision process and stated that the Sterling Team would be developing the training to the employees on how to develop a vision for Lake County. Mr. Jackson interjected that one day Lake County would be a Sterling Award recipient, but most of all Lake County wants to be a world class government agency that is known for our customer service and our responsiveness internally and externally.


At 11:40 a.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for lunch and reconvene at 12:20 p.m.


Ms. Whittle presented the discussion on the Tax Equity issue and distributed a copy of the Lake County League of Cities Tax Equity Committee Report and Performance Results.

Commr. Cadwell explained that the League of Cities established a Tax Equity Committee with the goal to identify areas of County government expenditures that do not comply with the letter or the spirit of the Florida Constitution. Commr. Cadwell noted that the Tax Equity Committee has met with County staff to accumulated data. Ms. Whittle addressed the Lake County League of Cities Tax Equity Committee Report and stated that the Tax Equity Committee feels each tax payer should pay their fair share for services received, and the following three areas have been identified: 1) Use of the North Lake County Ambulance Fund between 1992 and 1995; 2) Ambulance Contract issues; and 3) Lake County general fund expenditures that benefit only residents of unincorporated Lake County. She stated that the general fund was approximately $60,000,000.00, and approximately $24,000,000.00 was from ad valorem taxes. She explained that all of the County's share of sales tax revenues goes directly into the general fund and benefits residents of the unincorporated area.

At this time, discussion occurred regarding use of the North Lake County Ambulance Fund between 1992 and 1995, administrative oversight of this fund, direct transfer to the County Fire Department of Operations, payment of hepatitis B vaccine and physical for County fire personnel, operating supplies and equipment for the First Responder activities of the County fire department, rental of a County fire station to benefit the ambulance provider, and cities which contract with Lake County for fire services.

Chief Haun discussed animal control services provided to the City of Montverde and the City of Tavares. Chief Haun stated that he would provide the Board with the exact fees paid by the cities to the County for animal control services.

Chief Haun explained that the County receives Emergency Medical Services grant money pursuant to Florida Statutes 401.113 annually, and $50,000.00 of the grant money annual was allocated to Florida Regional Emergency Medical Services. He stated that Florida Regional has offered to the cities the opportunity to receive equipment through Florida Regional, therefore, providing the cities access to grant funds. He explained that Florida Regional submits a purchase request to the County for equipment that they wish to purchase, the County submits the purchase order, and the equipment is owned and tagged by the County.

Ms. Whittle reviewed the Summary of Specific Recommendations, and brief comments were made on each recommendation.


Ms. Whittle distributed a copy of the Board's 1997 Focus Areas, Fiscal Year 97 Goals, Proposed Fiscal Year 97 Action Steps, and Fiscal Year 95/96 Successes. The focus areas for 1997 were as follows:





Commr. Hanson discussed the St. Johns River Water Management District program for stormwater cleanup, which was comprised of volunteers to enhance the Lake Watch program. She explained that the program would like a partnership with Lake County, and the ability to utilize the County's laboratory to run the analysis on the water. Ms. Whittle interjected that the program would build the data base on water quality which does not exist at this time.

Commr. Cadwell suggested that it would be beneficial for the Lake County Water Authority to make a presentation to the Board and staff at a future Advance meeting.

In response to a question presented by Commr. Swartz in regard to waste collection and disposal for small or light manufacturing commercial operations and an outreach for disposal of fluorescent light bulbs, Mr. Don Post, Senior Director, Solid Waste Management Services, responded that a Pollution Prevention Program was a goal for this fiscal year and would be an outreach program to educate small pond hazardous waste generator systems on pollution prevention and to assist in setting up a program internally within those small companies. He stated that Solid Waste Management Services was also working with Growth Management in establishing a plan to evaluate the Lake County Comprehensive Plan update and the Environmental Plan.


Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)

Ms. Sharon Farrell, Senior Director, Growth Management, presented discussion on the Visioning Process and the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and distributed an outline of the Lake County Visioning Process which had been prepared by the Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium. She directed the Board's attention to a draft resolution establishing the EAR Executive Advisory Committee, at which time extensive discussion occurred in regard to Section 3. Membership and Appointments.

Commr. Swartz suggested that committees be established, with citizen participation, to address the individual elements, and that the Chairman of each committee serve on the Executive Committee.


At 1:45 p.m., the Chairman announced that the Board would recess for fifteen minutes and reconvene at 2:00 p.m.


Discussion occurred in regard to the EAR 1998 Work Plan that had been prepared by the Department of Growth Management. Commr. Cadwell suggested that the Board identify the elements or group of elements that need to be addressed and appoint the appropriate individuals to serve on said committees, and that the Executive Committee be comprised of the Chairman of each of those committees.

Commr. Swartz suggested that the Public Facilities Element, comprised of Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element, Solid Waste Sub-Element, Stormwater Management Sub-Element, Potable Water Sub-Element and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element, be divided into more than one committee.

Mr. Minkoff stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission should be involved in the process.

Discussion occurred in regard to the Table of Contents listed in the EAR 1998 Work Plan. It was the decision of the Board to

amend the EAR 1998 Table of Contents, as follows:


Traffic Circulation Element

Mass Transit Element

Ports, Aviation, and Related Facilities Element



Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element

Solid Waste Sub-Element

Stormwater Management Sub-Element

Potable Water Sub-Element

Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element







Discussion occurred in regard to addressing the issue of education in the EAR process; at which time, it was the recommendation of the Board to prepare and establish an Education Element during said process with the involvement of the Lake County School Board.

Mr. Minkoff clarified that it was the decision of the Board to establish the formation of nine (9) sub-committees comprised of nine (9) or ten (10) individuals, and that the Chairman of each sub-committee make up the membership of the Executive Committee.

Visioning Process

Ms. Whittle presented discussion on the Lake County Visioning Process, prepared by the Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium, and explained that community visioning was a participatory public process which allows citizens to define their hopes and dreams for the future of their community. She stated that the process establishes a Steering Committee comprised of 15 - 20 individuals representing various sectors of the County who would work collaboratively to involve all of the County in the visioning process and preparation of a vision document for the County. She briefly reviewed the Lake County Vision Process Timeline.

Mr. Alvin Jackson, Assistant County Manager, stated that the basic phases of a community visioning process was the gathering of information, drafting the vision into community goals, and implementation of action plans which are designed to achieve community goals.

Ms. Whittle stated that the estimated cost of this process would be approximately $50,000.00 through December 1997, if the Consortium was asked to assume principal responsibility for conducting the process. She explained that this amount would include a project director from the Consortium who would dedicate between twenty (20) and forty (40) hours per week in Lake County to fulfill the responsibilities of the process advisor and the time, as needed, of the Consortium's regional coordinator. She explained that, if the Board approves the visioning process, the County would contribute approximately $5,000,00 to $10,000.00 and businesses, private and public organizations, and individuals would act as sponsors in the community for the remaining funding.

Commr. Hanson stated that she would contact Florida Power Corporation to determine if Florida Power was still providing a visioning process as a community service.

Commr. Swartz suggested that we present this concept to the League of Cities, Chambers of Commerce, businesses and banks to determine if they would have interest in helping to fund this program and, willing to form a steering committee to take it forward.


Ms. Whittle brought up for discussion Better Understanding for Future Planning, and encouraged the Board to discuss how they work together, their expectations, liaison assignments, and how the Commission works as a Commission.

Commr. Good distributed a list of proposed workshops for 1997 that might be valuable to the Board during the year.

Mr. Don Post, Senior Director, Solid Waste Management Services, suggested that the Board, after reviewing agenda items, provide the County Manager with a list of questions prior to the Board meetings to allow staff time to research answers to said questions.

Extensive discussion occurred in regard to an appropriate method in dealing with citizen complaints and citizen requests; at which time, Ms. Whittle stated that senior staff was encouraging employees to send complaints through the Senior Director and the County Manager before referring them to the County Commissioners.

Commr. Good requested clarification on the responsibility of the liaison appointments; at which time, it was the consensus of the Board that the liaison responsibility was to carry the Board's perspective to the committee.

There being no further business to be brought to the attention of the Board, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.




