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Domestic Relations

Domestic Relations is the jurisdiction for dissolutions of marriage, annulments, name changes, adoptions, domestic violence and repeat violence injunctions, separate maintenance, paternity, child custody, termination of parents' rights, and child and spousal support matters. These matters are governed by the laws of the State of Florida (Florida Statutes) and the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure.


Domestic Relations Fees

Most fees may be paid by check, money order, or credit card. A 3.5% nonrefundable fee is charged by the financial service provider for each credit card transaction. If using a credit card, a photo I.D. which matches the name of the credit card holder must be presented at the time of the transaction. Payment should be made payable to "Gary J. Cooney, Clerk of Court & Comptroller."

PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept cashier's checks more than two (2) months from the issue date. In some cases, a credit card payment is not accepted. View more information on general payments.

Item Fee Amount
Dissolution of Marriage and Annulment $397.50*
Filing cases pursuant to chapters 39 (dependency), 61 (support, custody), 742 (paternity), 752 (grandparent visitation), 753 (supervised visitation) $300.00
Filing cross-claim, counterclaim, counterpetition, or third-party complaint relating to Dissolution of Marriage and cases filed pursuant to chapters 39, 61, 742, 752, and 753 $295.00
Filing Domestic Relations cases not specifically set out in the chapters enumerated above. These case types include, but are not limited to, name change, termination of parental rights, adoptions, and delayed birth certificates $400.00
Filing cross-claim, counterclaim, counterpetition, or third-party complaint relating to domestic relations cases not specifically set out in the chapters enumerated above.  $395.00
Injunction for Protection - Domestic, Repeat, Sexual, and Dating Violence No Fee
Issuing each summons $10.00*
Reopen Fee $50.00
For recording and reporting each final judgment of dissolution of marriage $10.50*
An additional charge to be paid by the party seeking each severance that is granted $18.00
Garnishment Deposit into Registry Of Court $100.00
Registry fee for Garnishment Deposit $3.00
Additional service charge for Garnishment, Attachment, Replevin and Distress $85.00
Fee for alimony or child support is 4% of payment but not less than $1.00 nor more than $5.25 4% not to exceed $5.25
Filing Notice of Appeal from Circuit Court to District Court of Appeal:
  1. Payment to Clerk of the Circuit Court
  2. Payment to Clerk of District Court of Appeal

Filing Cross-appeal, Notice of Joinder or Motion to Intervene
  1. Payment to Clerk of District or Supreme Court of Appeal

For preparing, numbering and indexing an original record of Appellate Proceedings, per instrument $3.50
Clerk's Certificate $7.00
For examining, comparing, correcting, verifying, and certifying transcripts of Appellate Proceedings prepared by someone other than the Clerk, per page $5.00
From each attorney appearing Pro Hac Vice $100.00
* Note: These three (3) amounts are collected at the time of filing.
Domestic Relations Resources
Domestic Relations Office Location
Lake County Courthouse (CH)
550 W. Main St., 1st Floor, East Wing
Tavares, FL 32778
Phone: (352) 742-4140
Fax: (352) 742-4316