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Online Court Records

As of October 13, 2023, the documents accepted into court files will be in PDF/A format as required by the Supreme Court of Florida.  Unfortunately, these documents may include hyperlinks, including highly insecure hyperlinks to the Internet.  Embedded hyperlinks in PDF/A documents should be treated with the same caution as hyperlinks in any document or webpage containing hyperlinks, particularly those which link to external websites. The Clerk does not vet any hyperlinks, nor any embedded document intelligence elements, for accuracy, legality, or content, and is not liable for any damage caused by using such documents or hyperlinks.

Effective July 1, 2021, the Florida Supreme Court amended Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.420 to prevent clerks of court from automatically redacting confidential information found within most Circuit Civil, County Civil, or Small Claims cases. Learn more about the changes.

The Clerk's Office makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information is the responsibility of the user. The user is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names in order to maximize search results.

The Clerk's Office shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use of the information contained herein.

The information and images may not reflect updates, changes, or rulings that have not yet been posted to the database. Please note that the information may be partial.

The court records available via the internet vary depending on the type of case and the year in which the case originated. Additionally, access to the court records is limited in accordance with Administrative Orders issued by the Florida Supreme Court, and by the user's role, the case type, and the content of the document to be viewed. Generally, cases prior to 2007 do not yet have document images associated therewith, with criminal traffic having no images earlier than 2009 and civil traffic having no images earlier than 2013. As the retention period for some older cases was met prior to imaging, some case files may have been destroyed in accordance with state retention guidelines prior to being imaged; therefore, no images will be available for those cases. Due to confidentiality requirements, only a few document images from many cases will be instantly available initially, but most will be available upon request with any confidential information being removed through a redaction process.

By selecting any option below, I acknowledge that I accept the above statements as well as the Privacy Notice and Disclaimer There is no cost to register or use this service.

For Attorneys and Other Registered Users:

Attorneys and other registered users have greater access to some cases. In order to have this enhanced access, please select and complete the Registration Agreement form. There is no cost to register or use this service.

To provide enhanced security, you will be prompted to change your password every 90 days.

For All Users Please Note:

The ShowCase court records search is compatible with all current browsers (for example Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome) and most mobile devices. Adobe Reader will be required to view online documents.

Access Court Records Now

The courts database includes:

Case Dockets Through Contact Number
Child Support 9/4/1984 352-742-4140
Circuit Civil 9/4/1984 352-742-4148
County Civil 1/1/1985 352-742-4145
Criminal-Felony 1/1/1989 352-742-4126
Criminal-Misdemeanor 1/1/1989 352-742-4128
Domestic Relations 9/4/1984 352-742-4140
Injunctions/Domestic Violence 9/4/1984 352-742-4319
Probate/Guardianship 9/1/1986 352-742-4122
Small Claims 1/1/1985 352-742-4145
Traffic* 1/1/1997 352-742-4133

*Please Note: If the party is a company, you must enter that company's name in the 'Last Name' field on the Online Court Records screen to obtain case information.

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Court Notices

No Court Notices at this time.


Presidents Day Office Closure
Posted: 2/5/2025

All offices of the Lake County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents Day.

Get Your Passports During Spring Break
Posted: 1/31/2025

The Lake County Clerk's Office is reminding residents that Spring Break is an excellent opportunity to schedule the whole family to get passports.

The office will extend its passport processing hours at its North Lake and South Lake branch offices during Lake County Schools’ Spring Break, March 10-14.

Click here to schedule an appointment.


Lake County Courthouse (CH)
550 W. Main St., 1st Floor
Tavares, FL 32778
Phone: (352) 742-4100