Formal Administration is used when there are considerable assets or other special circumstances. There will be a personal representative appointed and letters of administration will be issued so that he or she may complete the administration. An attorney must file these proceedings. Summary Administration may be filed when the value of the entire estate does not exceed $75,000. The Clerk has forms for you to file the Summary Administration with or without will. Disposition of Personal Property Without Administration is filed to request release of assets to the person who paid the final expenses, such as funeral bills or medical bills for the last 60 days. You may qualify for this procedure if you meet all three of the following:
- The value of the assets is less than $6,000.
- You paid the final expenses, such as funeral bills or medical bills for the last 60 days.
- These expenses total the value of the assets or more.
If the Court approves of the release of the decedent’s assets, a letter on judge’s stationery will be prepared. The petitioner must then take the original letter to the company/institution in possession of the asset(s). The Clerk’s Office can assist you in this proceeding.